Metroid Prime 3 is an overrated weird shooter, people say it is better than bioshock but bioshock deserves a 10 when being compared to M P 3 the controls for fps is terrible on wii go argue and cry see what i care
Halo 3 is not so good compared to super smashe bros brawl or mgs 4 just check it out mass effect is cooler than halo 3 and even bioshock looks better in my opinion halo 3 is just like rfom but maybe better its a plain good run n gun shooter that doesnt deserve higher than a 8.0 or a 9.0 i dont care what everyone says i think halo 3 is overhyped and overrated by lemmings
hey man dont buy 360 for 1 game buy wii for mario or brawl and all those exclusives ur shinny black console pwns 360 in every way from games to hardware and soon to be online play enjoy with what u have and forget about that one game
360 should just quit theyre going to fail in every way possible, eternal sonata / blue dragon / two worlds expected great rpg's but turned out to be focus on pc games while vista is out
hey guys just buy the darkness its an awesome game...kinda creepy..yet awesome in many ways...great game, worht 60 bucks......P.S. RAINBOW SIX VEGAS is good but i prefer something that has more action so reply to me if u love this game
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