Get Motorstorm because its very fun, but its not 2 player. I say get graw2, RB6:V, or RFOM. These are best coop games. If u want racing game just get motorstorm it owns dirt and its great online.
Target, Best Buy, Walmart or Circuit City are most reliable. These stores have most reliable service and all new realeases. Gamestop is kinda annoying though. I dont trust their games, and i feel that all of them are used.
no game is a let down. lair, you have to get used to.and no complaints on any other game. motorstorm is hard but very fun onlineand when u feel like racing like a beast. resistence is easy to kill so u guys might be bad. third party pretty good ports. no complaints from me.
both are terrible end of story.:lol:bioshock is better on pc. halo 3 ant that good compared to the others, way too short, fun online, bad campaign. bioshock is bad for 360
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