@zeroap00: I assume you mean framerate, not visuals, because that would need a patch just like the pro, try not to call ppl you dont know stupid, it makes you look it.
@heavengirl15: I don't get your comment, sorry, teraflops are from the GPU not cpu, that's why you'll see a lot of games on scorpio running at 30, FPS is from the CPU which is still the same jaguar cores.
@godoftech: Dude, you need to find something else to do with your time, that's the longest comment I've ever seen and perhaps the most senseless also, they are just jaguar cores, they are over clocked, they are also over clocked in the pro, but with water-cooling they have been over clocked further, I don't know who told you what you said or if you were told it in a dream or something, but I found out via digital foundry and they are pretty trustworthy guys.
Yeah, it's an APU based on the jaguar architecture, not that interesting, same as PS4 and x1, quite funny if it actually ends up saying 4k on it, that's kind of childish, maybe it's for the fanboys.
xxdavidxcx87's comments