I'm sure the price isn't a big deal for most people, it's just come out too late, couple of years and the next playstation will be out and will be ryzen based and a lot more powerful so it doesn't really seem worth it.
@RSM-HQ: well no offence bud, but if your passion causes you to talk down to others and assume things about them, then perhaps you should be Turing down the passion a little, cause you seem very much like someone trying to start arguments.
@RSM-HQ: well you're quite clearly just a negative person, it's quite apparent from the way you word your comment, but especially the part where you said resident evil 7 is a remake of the original, why didn't you just say "I have no idea what I'm talking about" that was funny.
@verysalt: it's only one persons opinion, there are people who (foolishly) think the Witcher 3 isn't a good game, it's good that GameSpot let their reviewers speak.
Probably one of the best games of recent years, on pc playing at max settings with 60fps it's a real experience, when I played it on PS3 it was a bit rubbish, it's not cod with aliens so I'm sure the kids aren't into it.
Nothing new, and it will only get worse as the game gets older, try finding a game in black ops 3 that isn't full of people using lag switches and exploits.
xxdavidxcx87's comments