All I can say is thanks a bunch Microsoft, I was going to hopefully get the neo for Xmas, then you had to announce (for some inconceivable reason) the scorpio's specs at e3, now the neo has been delayed to make it as or more powerful, I'm sure the s is a good console, not sure who's going to buy it though.
The top ten Pokemon are your 10 favourite, not what's on some list, also dependent on situation, kicked the crap out of someone's blastoise with a voltorb.
@zmanbarzel: core as they were known as before are best known for the original tomb raider, which was hugely popular due to its sales on the PlayStation 1, it's also down to poor decision making, PlayStation exclusive I could understand, but not xbox, the pc version has already sold more than 3x the Xbox one.
I cannot understand the logic of people who can say a movie is bad before even seeing it, a trailer can look great and the movie be terrible and vice versa, so you have no idea what your talking about, and everything fall out boy release is junk, it was a mistake to pick them.
xxdavidxcx87's comments