Pretty disappointing, what the Xbox needed was some exciting new ip's, not more sequels, timed exclusives, and an upgraded console that will never hit 6tflops on that CPU, reminds me of when Spencer was saying dx12 will double Xbox one power.
@Daelusca: I don't want to be called a gamer just because i play games, not everyone has the same view as you, gamer has a negative stigma attached to it, just because you play games for too many hours doesn't make you better at them, no difference between games on mobile or pc, games are games.
@kingcrimson24: so uncharted 4 is holding back graphics? I think not, even this card can't do 4k/ultra most of the time, if the games looked better, they would run a lot worse. We need better cards.
@sladakrobot: I'm a moron? Okay then, if you're unable to use your hands or something like that I understand, but most people know how to use a pc, I don't know why you don't, I mean windows, steam, origin all update in the background without any intervention needed, so does my amd gpu, the rest of your comment is just stupid, how long does it take to arrive, build, etc, who cares, perhaps you should start learning how to use a pc, it may be important in your adult life unless you want to spend your life flipping burgers.
xxdavidxcx87's comments