xxmatt125xx's forum posts
[QUOTE="xxmatt125xx"]Another fault here, God the creator of everything would of created sin. It likes asking for onions on a burger when you don't like them, then getting angry when you start eating it.lowkey254No, sin is not a creation, sin is an act. A spiritual or physical act against God. But if he created everything he created the notion of sin he gave it meaning etc.
[QUOTE="xxmatt125xx"] But he isnt simple as that, because a perfect being in everyway who created everything set in motion everything. Now if he was perfect he would know exactly what tiny change would have in the future. So either he is imperfect and created the world, or is perfect and designed the world with faults and when those faults start to shine he complains.jim_shorts
Of course he knew what the outcome of giving us free will was. That doesn't mean it was a fault or it wasn't planned.
So lets be clear here by this logic, he created people who would have no interest in god and yet have rules stating if you don't follow God you go to hell. Awesome logic. It is like raising your kid that 2 + 2 is 5 then it comes to test day they get the answer wrong and you punish them for it. Yeah that logic is messed up.[QUOTE="Superbored"]
[QUOTE="jim_shorts"] He didnt make an imperfect world. We made an imperfect world. And humans condemned themselves with their actions, God didn't arbitrarily decide to damn the human race. In fact, he very graciously offered us a way out.
What actions? I really don't remember eating any forbidden fruit...
No, but we've all done a bad thing or two in our lives. God cannot tolerate anything less than perfection because he is perfect himself. But he isnt simple as that, because a perfect being in everyway who created everything set in motion everything. Now if he was perfect he would know exactly what tiny change would have in the future. So either he is imperfect and created the world, or is perfect and designed the world with faults and when those faults start to shine he complains.There are some things that are not explicitly stated in Scripture. Regardless, it can very well be said explicitly in Scripture that his plans are greater than our plans - even when we do not understand them.[QUOTE="raynimrod"]More like, why would an omniscient God create sinners and sin in the first place...?
So God never murdered? What exactly do you call the systematic killing of first borns in Egypt? HoolaHoopManTo quote Ezekiel 33:11, "As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?" It is not God's desire to kill but to live a good and pleasing God-honoring life. Did the Egyptians do this? Another prime example of a total lack of freewill, pretty much if you don't follow him you are wicked ??? Also if God is all powerful and he does not require anything why does he need people to worship and honour him?? It doesn't make any sense.
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