[QUOTE="Mr-Prezident"]im not tryin to start a flame war, just saying do not hype this game, there are better games to hype. i googled it and i got a link that says it is a ps1 game, i never knew that ! it has videos from 1999 for ps1 !Mr-Prezident
Maybe if you would take off the fanboy goggles and look....
what does that have to do with fanboy goggles ? you seriously need to get into the real world outside your basement once in a while. all i said was that i never knew this was a ps1 game at first, which is a neat little fact no one has ever mentioned. it was even being made by silicon knights back then too.
Man Don't even, you came in here with the sole intention to bash the 360, Even the topic title screams fanboy. And you never answered my question.
just because you super glued your fanboy goggles to your face doesnt mean automatically everything is a bash thread. all i see when lemmings make a 2007 list is some decent to good potential games then they always have too human snuck in at the bottom of theiir list, which is funny. im just saying dont get your hopes up for this game, its not gonna be no GOW killer or never will be at least from everything i have seen. hell id love to be proven wrong because that would make david jaffe work that much harder on ps3 GOW. and cows hardly hyped killzone since that 1st trailer was shown, only lately since the demo news has broken, so dont try that crap thats just damage control.
why do you keep comparing this game to gow, if anything this game should be compared to devil may cry as they are similar in gameplay. Also gow is trying to be a devil may cry killer but it failed. devil may cry requires skill and timing gow is button mashing
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