Most of the time it is the offenders that cry foul when they are punished.
Look when i game introduces bans for cheating. The day it starts threads are created with "I was banned for no reason" and 90% of the time the people were banned for a great reason.
When they cry foul, it kinda reminds me of Eric Cartman. "but MAaaaaaM!!!!!
@jguilherme I actually just beat this DLC yesterday. I went with 3 grandmaster Griffin armor (chest gloves, silver sword) and then went with 3 feline (pants boots steel sword) I use those 2 set bonuses the most. And the ability to cast signs back to back was awesome, especially when you mutate to the piercing cold mutagin. It rekts :
I wish there was a grand master Viper set. All these sets are marginally better then the Viper stat wise, but the Viper looks way better then all of them.... especially the hooded feline.
And the set stats arent spectacular. I may stick with the Viper.
I love this game, and so far really enjoying this expansion. So much attention to detail, so much time put into the lore, it is just an awesome, beautiful game.
@mikemurphy80 You show how immature and young you are with this comment. First, at what point did I ever say I was falling over myself to throw money at Ubi? Second you also make it sound like they are the only company releasing games that have bugs. You do realize games are bigger, and more complex then ever before. I cant even think of a game that hasnt released with some kind of Bugs happening. Does that excuse the way syndicate released... No, but I didnt care for the game in the first place.
EDIT- Yea, after reading through some of your comments you have been making in other articles, you are now blocked. People come to this site to read the articles and comment on said articles, not be harassed by some immature person who is convinced his opinion is better then everyone elses.
People rag on Ubisoft all the time, but i personally enjoy most of there games. And if you really look at it, they release a lot of games. People get upset over an E3 trailer then the game comes out and doesnt have the same visuals. Big Whoop. All of last Generation we mostly seen CGI trailers, os why are we so upset about it now.
Do they put out games that arent great, or arent the best in the series. Yea, but I seem to like more of there games then some other companies
@seanwil545 Happened to me just the other night also. Then the whole team quit. I ended up searching again and found a team of randoms and managed to get through it.. ALthough it is frustrating daying over and over again, its a good feeling when you complete it. And now it will be even sweeter with the loot change:
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