Well instead of insulting the guy I am going to do what Gamespot ask.
Im a 30 in the Dark ZOne, but only a 19 in the PVE section. I think I played 40 hours so far, which is a lot for me considering I work 55 hours a week. Game is addicting though.
@Iemander it is not going to come down to quality of parts. it is going to come down to how powerful the parts are. So the question then becomes will PS4r be able to hold a candle to the other 2 vr options?:
I am interested to see the difference in Quality for them. If Sony's cost Half, will it perform like it also?
Also, in this article it states there is a lot of big Developers like Naughty Dog, and a couple others that could work on PSvr games. Why would they if the expected size is only going to be 1.6 million units? If The PS4 has 54 million out why would you develop a game with oyur biggest Developers to only cater to 5% of the console base?
I wonder how many reviewers are trying to burn through the game so they could put out a review earlier to get clicks?
I mean what Ive played so far isnt that much different form the Beta, and you know what, I wasn't expecting it to be different. I liked what I played in the Beta and purchased it.
xxmavr1kxx's comments