Okay, this is kind of a long read, but I think I made some good, valid points and arguments in the paragraphs I typed up, so please read them. Especially the topic creator, since that's who these articles are mainly directed towards(though they are also directed at anyone who voluntarily joins or would join the U. S. Military on purpose).
No, because unlike some people I actually have a brain and know how to solve my problems through communication and problem solving instead of mindlessly killing everyone who disagrees with me. And consider this. The militaryclaims that by doing what they are doing they are "protecting" us Americans, but they're actuallyhurting us. All the tanks, planes, boats, and jeeps they use I'm sure useup tons and tons of gasoline,probably even more than a hummer uses(well,maybe not the jeeps), which cause alreadyoverly inflated gas prices to skyrocket even higher,thanks to you morons.Also, gas prices probably wouldn't haveshot up nearly as much as they did if you hadn't bombed the H*** out of othercountries, thus p***ing them off and giving them no reason not to inflate the prices even more. And before you say something like, "Why don't you do something yourself instead of complaining about us?" or something stupid like that, I walk everywhere I go, and if it's toofar to walk, I takepublic transit, which is still rare for me to do(not a polluting taxi which only holds one person though). I'm thinking about maybe buying a razor scooter soI won't have torely on public transit asmuch
Why can't people just try to live a peaceful life, not hurting or insulting anyone, checking your mood rings, smoking marijuana, being at peace with nature and animals(just got two parakeets a little over a week ago named Angel and Sweet Pea, one green and yellow, and one light blue with a yellow head), looking at your tye dyed wall rainbow colored yin and yang wall covering while reclining in your tye-dyed beanbag chair, volunteer at your local animal shelter to try to save/help all the poor little doggies and kitties who might be put to sleep because some heartless jerk abandoned them just because they couldn't be trained, or stopped being cute(one time I saw this commercial on TV for an animal shelter saying you should donate money to save dogs like this. They were showing this dog that got run over by a truck and it's leg was all bandaged and bleeding really badly. I just about cried.), or giving money to associations like PETA and local animal shelters so maybe you can do some good in the world and possibly save a life or two instead of cruelly ending one.
All these seem like better uses of your time then going around murdering everyone like a dumb jarhead. I believe in the policy of live and let live. Peace and love and all that. The only way I would ever do anything that some dumb jarhead would consider a "good" thing by killing the "enemy" would be if they(never could tel those two countries apart, LOL)broke into my house/assaulted me on the street and said they were going to kill me personally. Even then, I would try to see if we could talk it out, or try to escape before I would murder somebody.
If I ever did join a military(which I never, ever plan to), it would be either the French military, the Canadian military, or the Antarctic military. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe any of these militaries would be fairly lenient in the training compared to America's military, since those countries aren't exactly well known for being very warlike or starting wars or anything like that. I'm not trying to insult these countries or anything like that, and I respect these countries, I was just saying is all. Maybe they could teach me to perfect my favorite military maneuvers, surrendering, holding up the white peace flag, and working outa comprimise/treaty agreement(not the main person who might get yelled at while working on the treaty, but one of the people in the background who adds my signature to the treaty, and occasionally nods in agreement at certain things). Remember, comprimisingis not the same as losing, it's just a smarter way to work out your differences so that both sides can win instead of having more senseless murder continue.
And guess what, jerk? The United States stopped drafting random citizens into the military, so you can't make me join either. And if the United States ever did start stupid stuff like drafting people into the military, I would just buy a plane ticket so I could go live in another country, or get a passport so I could go live in Canada, so Nyah Nyah na nyah nyah to you.:P :P :P :P . What are you gonna do about it jarhead? Nothing, that's what. You can't do anything if I decide not to join since the United States doesn't draft anymore. Even if they did start drafting again, you can't stop me from deciding to live in another country as long as I have the money for the plane tickets(I'll just to worry about getting a job/money once I arrive at my new destination).
It's stupid to join the military anyway, since you become the property of the military once you do anyway. If I ever became the property of someone else, I would rather become the property of either PETA or some other animal rights group running the printing press that prints the comics about why you shouldn't murder/eat animals, or become the property of some Martian/other ET as their pet kept in a cage and fed strange alien food. But I doubt I can get a dumb, brainless jarhead like you to ever change your mind and realize the error of your ways.
Oh well. You just keep on encouraging impressionable youths who don't know any better what they're getting into to submit to a lite of mindless killing, being yelled at by idiots, and just all around being tortured by pushy jerks, sometimes for no good reason, such as a uniform not being exactly perfect(Really, is that really something worth having a fit over and yelling about when there are poor, harmless puppies and kittens being euthanized(that means killed to you, jarhead) for no good reason at all? And it's so stupid too. It's not like your uniform not being 100% perfect is going to save anyone when they're being shot at. I mean really, what's the point?) . Well, whatever. It's your life, and I doubt I can change your mind, so you go, G. I. Joe. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh, and please don't delete this response or tell the mods/admins. The topic creator did ask for our opinions on the U.S Military after all and I gave them to him. He wanted our opinions, so yeah. It's not like I just wrote this to randomly flame the military for no reason at all.
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