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xyber116 Blog

Life in General...

So, I don't know where else to put this since I don't have a blog and I don't need everybody on Facebook to read this.

But I quit my job and now I'm bored out of my mind. I made a huge mistake last year by not keeping my mouth shut. I should have just said no and I'd still be in the Air Force. I'm actually trying to get back in. It's not a simple process and pretty much it's all I think about now that I don't have a job. I wish I could have finished BMT and graduated with my flight.

You see these interviews on TV about people who say they feel like they were drowning in debt and I now know how they feel. I can't get a job because I didn't do an internship before I graduated from college. I didn't think it was necessary since I was going to be in the Air Force. Well, f*** me, hindsight is 20/20. And now it looks like I've been unemployed for almost 2 years. Well, one year was spent waiting to get into the Air Force, then I was unemployed for 3 months after I got back because there were no jobs, and now I've quit my sucky job at a convenience store because let's face it, I'm better than that. I have a college degree for Christ's sake.

Not that I look down at people who work in these jobs. I have a completely new respect for how much crap these people take. But I shouldn't' be getting paid minimum wage, or dealing with customers stabbing each other in the parking lot, or having the worst co-worker on the freaking planet.

Wow, that's a lot of ranting and raving but I've been holding it in for like 3 months. I just couldn't help it anymore. And now, I feel a lot better.

Hope everyone else is doing better than me.

The Brand New Year...

I haven't updated since May. I haven't been on this site in ages and from the looks of it neither has a bunch of other people. I've been loath to since CBS took over the site. Before that it was a site for TV people and now it's owned by a corporation. Kind of sucky.

But updates in my life. The whole Air Force thing didn't work out. Made it to Week 6 of training before I was told I was being sent home for sleepwalking. Yeah, that totally sucked. I spent the next 3 weeks waiting to come home. Oh, well. At least I made some money.

I'm working at a convenience store now. I'm like wow, I have a good college degree and this is the best I can do. But at least it's a pay check and I get to wake up next to boyfriend every morning. I was able to see the last football game of my brother and I've meet my nephew. So life's not all that bad.

Hope everyone is doing well.


I'm leaving soon and this will probably be it for a good long while.

My new favorite show this season has been Lie To Me. I think it's a great idea and I like the writing and now I hear the that Shawn Ryan, a producer-writer from The Unit, will be soon joining the staff is awesome. I can't wait to see what they have in store for next season.

I can't believe I'll be gone soon. I'm excited and anxious at the same time about Basic Training. It's going to be horribly hot there and I'm going to miss my boyfriend but for a long time it's been something I need to do. I just hope that I don't die in the process from being physically un-fit.

Hope everyone else is doing well, especially since nobody seems to be around these days.

In An Evily Good Mood...

I just spent the entire afternoon watching youtube videos. Good stuff really. That's what I do all day. Whatever I want, whenever I want. The life of the unemployed is sweet.

House would never have given up taking methadone. What an idiot. Cuddy was too for allowing him to take methadone in the first place. What a crappy episode and what a crappy season. I'm so freaking tired of Katie Jacobs. Get a clue producers and writers, the new format sucks. You don't even have the new actors name in the title sequence. I would be on the phone with my agent saying that I want my name on the screen or I want out.

But I guess it's not as bad as Grey's Anatomy. It's like the guide to "How To Turn A Good Show Bad." Shonda don't do two shows if you can't keep up the good writing. Why not just kill all the characters or have them written off and start over again? That's excatly what's happening right now.

I f***ing knew it. Charles Widmore was supposed to lead the others. And he totally should have figured out that John Locke was timing traveling. Ben, oh Ben, how I love to hate you. If I ever meet anyone named Ben, I don't think I'll be able to trust him. I really hope that Locke kicks Ben's a**. That be awesome. I mean wouldn't you beat up the guy that killed you? Who wouldn't? I mean you're back from the dead, what's the worst that could happen? I'm also wondering were everybody landed. Way exciting.

Oh, one last thing. In "Lie to Me" Episode 4, the outside exterior shots of the Korean Embassy, are also the outside shots for "JAG" Headquarters. Somewhat crazy that I know that.

Everybody be well. Thanks for reading.

Bored So I'm Going To Upadate...

I finally got into the Air Force last week. I received a medical waiver so hopefully next week I'll be heading to MEPS (were they process people) to do job selection and security clearance. It's been a frustrating and long journey but at least it's going to happen. I've waiting since August to get in and I've jumped through a lot of hoops.

Grissom's Goodbye was awesome. That was like the second best character ending ever. He treks through Costa Rica to find Sara. And then a big huge kiss scene. Freaking awesome is all I have to say about that.

I haven't been doing much lately. Just hanging out and having fun but pretty soon I'll be getting into shape. Yeah, that's about it. NCIS still rocks. Lost is on next Wednesday which is going to be great.

That's all for now. Hope everyone else is doing good.

Overly Exciting Weekend...

Well, let's start with the overly exciting news.

Firstly, Doctor Who will have a new Doctor come 2010. I love David Tennant and I don't want him to leave. I think he's great for the role. But you never know. I liked Christopher Eccleston when he played the Doctor, so maybe I'll like who ever they pick next. I just don't want David Tennant to leave the show.

Second, Friday was Halloween and since I live near the University campus I was a little worried that things might go bad but it didn't. I dressed up as a cowgirl while my boyfriend, who is from India, dressed up as an indian. We thought it was funny.

The third piece of exciting news is that my car got hit. Nobody was hurt because we were in a parking lot so the speeds were very slow. Still, this couldn't come at worst time. I have no job because I'm waiting to get into the Air Force so I don't have any money to get my car fixed. Hopefully, the women who hit me will have really good coverage.

Now, I have a non-exciting tidbit. I was watching Season 5 of NCIS again and I noticed an error. Jonathan LaPaglia is in a Season 5 episode as a FBI agent that was at NCIS and was trained by Gibbs. Then at the begging of Season 6, he was back at NCIS and had supposedly sold info to some bad guys. Would Gibbs actually doubt one of the people he trained? How could they make such an error? Anyway thought it was interesting. Plus, Jonathan LaPaglia was supposedly in the latest episode after his character was dead. Another big error if he was actually in the episode even thought I didn't see him. And I usually notice him since his brother is Anthony LaPaglia.

The last little thing is that Bones will be back on this Wednesday and I'm so excited. Plus, Election Day is Tuesday and then all the political adds will end and we don't have hear about the campaign anymore after 21 months. I'm so tired of it all.

That's all for now. Hope everybody has a great week ahead.

Vote For Me Please...

So, yesterday I'm standing around campus when I see this promotion car driving around. Turns out I can win a car if I make a video. So me and my friend hop in and now we have a chance to win.

Here's the link:


You have to watch the video in full for the view to count. Pass it on.


Just A Word About NCIS...

NCIS is a great show that doesn't get a whole lot of talking about by the critics or the awards. Well, that's just fine with me because they constantly break the top 20 ratings even with repeats and even when American Idol is on. Yes, the show is that good.

So why am I mention one of my favorite shows? Because last night was the premier and it was freaking awesome. I rank last night's episode as my number three of all time NCIS episodes. I love really good plot twists and last night totally did that. I was surprised beyond belief and it was great.

Well, that's enough about my love for NCIS. Hope everybody else is well.

Bored Out Of My Skull...

I'm visiting my boyfriend's aunt's family this week and while they are super nice, I'm bored. Everybody is working and going to school, so it's just my boyfriend and me with no car and nothing within walking distance. Yeah, it's been so exciting. But his family is great, really.

In other news, I've been disqualified from the Air Force. That's for right now. I'm putting in an appeal because they misdiagnosed my condition. I guess we'll see how that turns out.

For now that's it. It's just all a big waiting game. Hope everyone else is doing good.

So Much To Read In So Little Time...

Well, I haven't updated in over a month which proves how little I have to say. No, mostly it's summer and I've been doing whatever I want, whenever I want. It's been super nice being out of school and without working.

It makes me dread going into the Air Force if I get in. But I'd also like to back into the swing of things.

Anyway, the title refers to all the books I've bought recently and can't wait to read.

I finished re-watching Season 4 of House over the weekend. I don't think it was that strong of a season but not that many other shows had that great of season due the writers strike. I'm now waiting for my NCIS dvds to get here. And I've already pre-ordered JAG Season 7, Bones Season 3, and Inspector Lynley 6. Plus Grey's Anatomy Season 4. Yep, lots of TV watching in store for me.

Hope everyone is well. I haven't been hanging out here a lot lately due to my lack of computer time. I've been spending it goofing off. I'm sorry for everybody that has to go back to school soon.