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Dumb Drivers...

Well, coming home today after meeting with my boyfriend's mom and aunt, I was almost hit by a car. The dumb driver just pulled in front of me. I had to slam on my brakes and serve into the other lane to avoid hitting the car. The other driver didn't even acknowledge that she was almost T-boned. Wow. The drivers here just keep getting stupider and stupider.

Well, hope nobody else will have a near fatal accident this week.

Doctor Who Frustration...

I've been watching Doctor since it was relaunched in 2005. I love the show. I loved Christopher Eccleston and I love David Tennant. I loved Billie Piper.

I've only recently been able to catch up on the story line. I haven't yet watched all of Season 3 or 4 but I've seen both season finales. I absolutely balled my eyes out at the end of Season 2. I wanted to crawl into bed for a week and cry because it really was that emotional.

So imagine my delight when I read spoilers that Billie Piper will be back as Rose. Here in the US, we get to see everything at a later date but I'm smart and I watched the las two episodes of Season 4 on youtube.

At this moment I'm beyond frustrated because why wouldn't they try to bring Billie Piper back. Why not? It would have been great. Instead they stick her in the parallel universe with a human Doctor. The plot makes it seem like Rose would want to be there with the human Doctor instead of on the TARDIS with the Time Lord Doctor. I guess they couldn't get Billie Piper to do more episodes but please don't make it like she actually wanted to stay in that dull parallel universe because everybody knows she didn't want to. She wanted to be on the TARDIS. And then, the Time Lord Doctor doesn't even say goodbye. Thank you Russell T Davis. I hate your script.

Okay, hopefully that will get rid of some of my frustration.

Hope everyone has a nice week ahead.

Summer Has Arrived...

It's been on the cold side the last couple of weeks here in Oregon but this last week was nice and this week looks to be even hotter.

I graduated last Saturday and sat through three graduations. It was pretty awesome though. My whole family was there and it turned out really good.

My boyfriend and I are living together now and it's going really good.

It's been super nice having this last week off but now I have to get down to business and tie up some loss ends.

Well, there's a small update and hope everyone is having fun in the sun.

Last Day Of Work...

Is it appropriate to cry during your last day of work? I've been working here for four years and these people are some of the nicest and kindest people ever. My two bosses have been my mentors and friends. So yeah, I might cry today. The weirdest part is that I had a dream about it last night. It was very odd.

Anyway, I just wanted to post about this huge occasion in my life. I'll update in a couple of days after I graduate from college. Wow. That's a gigantic step.

Everybody have a nice weekend up ahead.

Blowing My Mind Wide Open...

I just finished watching the season finale of Lost. The title is pretty much my mind status right.

I took notes because that's what I do when I watch Lost. I usually have a bunch of questions that I want answered that I have to write them done to remember them all. The notes will seem a little odd but if you watched the episode you'll know what I'm talking about.

But first let's address the fact that Jin is dead. I also finished reading a blog that said she was in a dark corner rocking back and forth because Jin is dead. I've officially joined that person over there with about half of the viewers of Lost.

Here's my notes:

-Ben, it's a love/hate relationship. I think he's awesome because here's this little dude that run's around and beat's people up that are twice his size. But then he went and killed that Marine Black Op guy. In cold blood. He out right went berserk on the guy when he stabbed him. I understand that he killed your daughter, but your actions caused the death of Jin. But at the same time, I would love to meet Michael Emerson. He plays Ben so creepily. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the end of the episode.

-Sayid, is awesome no matter what. He kills for all the right reasons and then he breaks Hurley out of the mental hospital. The guy can handle a gun and do hand to hand combat. All around a fighter.

-John, wow. That's all I can say about that. He's dead. In that coffin. Wow. But let's talk about before that. He was acting really crazy. But, I understand how he couldn't find those flowers. I don't know what they look like either. The best part though was the part about the time traveling bunnies. I would also probably be freaked out.

-Walt is all grown up.

The whole time I was wondering who Jeremy Bentham was. The answered turned out to be John Locke.

I have questions about the bomb. I don't think trying to freeze it would work. But possibly a small Electromagnetic pulse would. Plus, who cares around that much C4? Not even half of that would have worked, but I guess the Marine Black Ops guy wanted to make sure the job got done.

What did Miles mean when he was talking to Charlotte?

Did anybody else notice the inconsistent filming? Some where nice and clear while others were clearly done later and had a different grain to them.

What is Sun up to? Why is she talking to Charles Widmore? Wouldn't she just kill him? Would she want to kill Ben? Or Jack? Or who does she want dead?

What is Richard's role in the whole thing? Is he like the right hand man to all the leaders and he never dies or get's old? Would Locke not recognize him from his childhood? I think an encounter that strange would stick in your mind.

The whole Island disappearing and Ben disappearing was just a little too scifi for me.

The helicopter would have just dropped from the sky. Planes would gentle glide down, if the plane relies on the wings for lift and not the engines. So the helicopter would have just dropped. You would have wanted to jump from it depending on high off the water you were.

I'm so happy that Penny found Desmond. I figure that they don't live happily after ever with Ben looking for them. But I like how Penny helps them out with making the whole thing a set up.

Wow, Ben's there. And all of them must go back? What happened on the Island? What's going to happen in the next two seasons? What happened to the other raft with the other people? Did it disappear with the Island because it was so close? Where did the Island go? Some place tropic? Some where cold? Why is Jacob mad at Ben?

*I was wrong about the helicopter. It's possible that it could have floated down instead of just falling out of the sky.*

Pretty much, my mind was blown away and I can't wait until next season. Everybody have a good weekend.

Just Around The River Bend...

A Pocahontas song title is the title of my blog today.

I use it because in two weeks I graduate from college!!! I'm very excited of course. It's a huge leap into the unknown for me.

Today, I simply wanted to update my blog because the last one was old. The next two weeks will be very busy for me. I have to finish a bunch of stuff before my only final which happens to be on a Friday the day before I graduate.

Hope everyone has a nice week. Bye.

House Is So Much Fun...

Hey Everybody, just a small update and then on to House. I'm doing pretty good. Just took a midterm today and I have review tonight which won't go very well. I went and shot a bunch of footage yesterday and now I can't get it off my camera.

The last episode of House was great. House being shown as a huge fan was awesome because any body who is a huge fan of any show, literally acts like he did.Wilson's and Amber's relationship was a nice thing to see. I like that she's strong willed and I also like that they didn't hire her for the staff. Cameron being back in the office was obviously awkward but also interesting. She interrupted a lot and still knows where House's porn is. I also really liked House offering to fire someone for her twice. The chemistry is still there. Foreman saying that House was right and then going behind his back was great. House getting a big screen TV only to have it taken away. Then the water bed. Horrible, horrible idea. Seriously? And then golden sheets. Wow, ugly.

That's all for now. Hope the two part season finale turns out good. Evyerbody have a nice week.

Finding The Right Words...

It's been an interesting couple of days to say the least.

My mom thought that the dog might need to be put to sleep. But it turned out to be an inner infection. So the dog is going to be perfectly fine which is great news.

But the other thing that has really come to the fore front of my mind is joining the Air Force. I'm scheduled to have a meeting with the recruiter on Friday. I'm slightly terrified but I'm excited. I've been doing a lot of reading about Basic Training. It really doesn't seem all that horrible. I can only imagine how bad the Marine Corp Basic would be.

However, as the title of this blog says, I've found the right words this weekend. I watched a Master Theater production last night called "My Boy Jack." It was really quite good and I would recommend it to everyone. The story was about Jack Kipling, who was the son of Rudyard Kipling, going to fight in WWI and becoming his own man. He was killed the day after his 18th birthday. After watching this, I suddenly realized what I've been trying to tell my family about joining the military.

I need to become my own adult. At the age of 21, I still feel like a teenager, just a kid really. I need to separate from everyone and venture out of my comfort zone. I found the right words to describe this feeling I've had since I was 12 years old. It comes as a huge relief to be able to communicate this. Yeah, I might die if I get sent over-seas and I've considered that. But I might die here tomorrow, by accident, having never felt that my life was fulfilled. How can I not fill this need I have?

This is all of course extraordinarily heavy for a blog on a tv.com website. But sometimes just writing things down that other people might read is really nice. It's like scrawling messages on the bathroom wall and knowing that it's anonymous but some people will read it.

Well, hope everyone has a good week ahead of them.

Back To School...

School has returned. Spring Break came and went fairly quickly but I'm happy to have a new routine set in. I'm hoping my last semester will be easy. But I'll just have to wait and see. I'm looking forward to my new classes and can't belive the gigantic step I'll be taking when I graduate.

That's all for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Spring Break!

Spring break has finally arrived. My last class was last Monday but work didn't end until Thursday and I been sitting around doing nothing since then. I took 22 credits last semester and I seriously worked my butt off. I'm never doing that again. My grades look to be on the high end which is good.

I've been staying at my boyfriend's aunt's house which is beautiful. His family is so great. But I can't wait to get home and see my family. Since I moved out at the begging of the semester I haven't had a whole lot of time to see them. I talk to them almost every day but still seeing them is much better.

Today is Easter here. I didn't do much except play Halo 3 and had lots of fun winning. I had dinner with my boyfriend's family with a barbecued ham. The ham turned out excellent and a little burnt. I actually plan on doing the whole Easter basket and eggs thing when I get home to be with my family. We all have such fun. My sister is 19, my brother is 16, and I'm 21, but we still love to do Easter egg hunts because we are all so competitive. It's really a ball when you can just let yourself go with your siblings.

That's all for now. Hopefully, this next semester I won't be so busy with school work that I'll keep up with my regular blogging even though no one seems to leave me messages.

Everybody have a nice week.