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xyber116 Blog

The Beach...

I actually didn't have a title but the beach is where I woud like to be. Instead, I'm sitting in my house in 90 degree weather. It's supposed to be really nice at the beach but I have to work all week.

This should be a short update. My brother is playing football again. That's American football for all my foriegn readers. I love watching him play. It's really fun. He played in both Junior Varisty and Varisty games last. This week he'll do the same thing. I'm hoping he gets moved up to Varisty only so he can play the whole game and get his letter for his jacket. That would be really fantastic. The cool thing about it is that my whole family goes and watches him. Last week for the away game we all rode in our large van and had a great little roadtrip.

The other thing I wanted to write about was memories. I've been having this really odd experience lately. My mom asked me the other day if I remembered the house that my grandparents lived in when I was like 6. I said of course and rattled off all these details. She couldn't believe it. The odd part is that, I couldn't believe that I remembered that much. I hadn't thought about that place in a really long time. Then today I thought about my great grandma and for the life of me I can't nail down a specific memory of her. I should be able to because I spent so much time with her before she died. But for some reason, those memories seem really distant. I would really love to investigate what makes our brain able to store things differently. Like I said, odd.

Anyway, that's all for now. Hope everyone has a good week.

Viva Las Vegas!

I just got back from Las Vegas! What a trip! I spent all day yesterday sleeping. I had spent almost 24 hours awake because of what time our flight was. But it was lots of fun. I hardly gambled at all but I looked at a ton of stuff. I walked every where. My feet hurt so bad.

The top three coolest things were: indoor skydiving, the Titanic Exhibit, and winning some money.

There is no indoor skydiving in Oregon so it was a ball to do it. My mom, dad, and boyfriend did it with me. We meet some British people there which was cool. We got a DVD of it so I might try to upload to my site.

The Titanic Exhibit was great because both my boyfriend and me are totally into the Titanic and everything about it.

Winning money was pretty exciting. I had $45 left in my pocket before we left and I thought I'd go gamble it away. I sat down at about 5 different slot machines before I found one that I liked. I had spent $20 at other machines and then I had another $20 and had spent $2 of that. I put $18 into the slot and on my first spin I won about $63. I thought I should cash out so I did. I had another $5 bill in my pocket so I put that in and on the first spin I didn't win. On the second spin I won a total of about $52. It was the most I won the entire trip.

My mom, dad, grandma, and boyfriend went with me on this trip so it was cool that I got to do this with my family. We stayed at Circus Circus which was a little chaotic. The hotel is meant for kids because of the theme park inside the hotel. Plus, it's on the North end of the Strip which is underdeveloped but the price we paid for the rooms was really cheap which allowed us to take off and do a lot of stuff. We walked through all the major hotels on the South Strip like the Bellagio, Caesar's Palace, and MGM Grand. My mom went to Chippendales but I choose not to. But I did go on the New York New York Rollercoaster. That was pretty cool.

I do have to complain about one thing though. My grandma is pretty much unable to walk because of her heart condition but we got this great electric scooter for her to ride around on. Some people though were so rude about it. There's this bus that goes up and down the Strip every ten minutes or so which makes it really convenient. But getting her on the bus was a hassle. There was this one women on the last day that was complaining because the bus driver let us on before "even though she was there before us." I finally turned around and told her off. My boyfriend told me to just leave it alone but I was tired of people saying stuff the whole week. A woman from England came up to us and agreed. She was very nice.

That was the other cool thing about Las Vegas. There was people from everywhere. People from France, Spain, Russia, and especially England. I couldn't believe how many people from England we meet and all were really nice.

The last night we saw "The Tournament of Kings." It's the show with knights and King Arthur and you get to eat dinner with your fingers. It was way cool and way worth the amount of money that I spent. I highly recommend it.

If anybody makes it over to Vegas, I suggest making there way over to the Luxor pyramid. It is so cool inside. Then you should make your way up to the hotel rooms. It was the freakiest view on the inside of the pyramid.

I plan to post some pictures when I get my site fixed. Oh, the best part is that my boyfriend and I are going to pull a prank on my boss by faking that we got married. He made so many comments on it before we left that we thought that'd we do some fake wedding pictures and walk around with ringers on fingers. We don't plan on saying thing. We're justing going to see how long it takes for him notice.

Wow, that was a really long blog. I haven't done that in awhile. Hope everybody is doing great and has a nice weekend.

My Birthday Has Come And Gone...

Yep, another year older.

I bought a beer on my birthday just to see if they would card me. Nope. Nada. But that's because the woman at the counter knew me and my mom so she knew how old I was. I'm just going to have to leave my town to buy alcohol to get carded.

I had my final art review and my final is on Wednesday so after that it's easy sailing and then off to Veagas baby!

I found a lovely little apartment last week that I"m totally excited about. I'm going to fill out the paper work today and then the apartment is avaliable in December.

Hope everybody is doing good and I know school starts soon for some, so I'm sorry because I don't want to go back to school either.

Just A Few More Days.....

Okay I'm really excited and you can't really see me as you read this so I thought that I'd do the typical stupid internet thing and post a bunch of :D:D:D:D:D:!

It's only 5 more days until my birthday. I'm super excited. Hopefully everybody I invite will be able to come. My mom is planning some sort of suprise. My boss almost couldn't come but then we worked it out and he's coming. I was almost super disappointed. Everybody might think it's weird that I'm invinting both my bosses but I'm really close with both of them.

But my dad might not make it. He's on business half way across the country. He's trying to find an ealier flight home but no luck so far. It wouldn't be the first time he's missed my birthday. The first time he missed it because he was out fighting a forest fire. He left the day after his birthday and came home the day after my birthday. That was two weeks.

Oh, and TV related. I've discovered Hell's Kitchen. It's a great show and Gordon Ramsey is awesome.

Well, I hope everybody else is having a great week.

That Time Of Year Again...

Well, I made it through all the major birthdays. Only mine and then my mom's to go. The next couple of weeks should be nice because it will be only my mom and me in the house while my dad and brother are away. There will no more picking up after the male species.

It's the middle of summer for me and I can't wait for it to get over. Or least my classes to get over.

That's pretty much it for now. Hope everybody has a nice week and stays well.

Male TV Eye Candy...

Alright the site is up and running. I orginally wanted to list everybody by the show that they are featured on but I went with the quick way and just did a photogallery. I know that some people overseas might not recognize everybody and I'm sorry about that. As you can tell I didn't discriminate against age. If anybody wants me to add somebody let me know. I don't think it will stay up for long. Probably until I get my real site up and running so visit soon.

Here's the link:


On another note. I have a great boyfriend. He bought me The West Wing Box Set. I got it yesterday and I was so excited. I just finished watching the episodes with Mark Harmon. I want to go cry now because it's so sad.

I've discovered Light Graffiti. It's an amazing art form. It can be easily found if you search for it.

Birthdays And More Birthdays...

So, it's that time of year again. Most people dred the holidays because you have to see your family all within a months time. But I get to do that twice a year.

My sister's, grandma's, brother's, boyfriend's, dad's, and my birthdays are within a 44 day range. It gets really hetic because everybody's running around planning parties and buying gifts. Lucky for me, I turn 21 and I'm going to Las Vegas. YES!!!

This is actually just a short little blog because I plan on posting a big blog all about the male eye candy on TV. It shows how bored I really am with school.

Hope everybody has a good week and weekend.

I Love When All The DVDs Get Released...

I pre-ordered House Season 3, JAG Season 4, and Bones Season 2. I'm so excited. Then this summer Inspector Lynley Season 5 is going to be on and then released on DVD. Plus, there's Grey's Anatomy but I'm going to wait awhile.

For my birthday, my boyfriend is going to get the West Wing DVD collection. I'm going to have a marathon. Yippie!

(Runs off to go jump around!) :D

Who Ever Thought...

Who ever thought that 8 AM classes were a good idea should be beaten by an angry mob. I've survived my first week of classes. I've been going from 8 AM to 4 PM. It's not so much the times, it's that I live about 30 minutes away from the university which means I have to get up a lot earlier than I should to get there on time. But I just keep repeating to myself: "I'm graduating on time, I'm graduating on time, I'm graduating on time..." I do this at least four times a day.

The Fourth of July is on Wednesday. I'm so excited. It's the one time of the year when everybody is encouraged to blow stuff up in the name of patriotism. How cool is that? Fireworks are so cool. I'm a total nut about it all.

In my last post I mentioned that my boss hit a deer on his bike. He hasn't been back but we sent him a card. It's actually quite funny because the new guy picked it out and it's a little baby deer that looks like it's going to attack. We all laughed really hard.

I'm now addicted to a new game. It's like Dance Dance Revolution but it's like a piano for your keyboard. I've gotten pretty good at considering that I spent a ton of time sitting around and playing it last week.

That's all for now. Everybody have an awesome week and please feel free to blow up crap for the sake of patroitism.

This Is Dedicated To...

I usually don't mention exactly where I'm from for obvious safety reasons.

But today I'm changing that policy. A friend of mine was killed the other day in Iraq. His name was Joesph Kenny. If you here about it on the news, we're from the same town. I hope his soul rests in peace.

I found that out last night and then this morning, I learned that my boss had been a really bad bicycle accident. He was hit by a deer. He broke his collar bone and is currently in surgery. This of course all totally sucks.

Hope everybody else's week is going a lot better than mine.