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xyber116 Blog

Everything's Back To Normal...

I no longer want to quit my job. I mostly got what I wanted. I left after my shift and my boss called me several times and I didn't pick up. But I called back right before I knew he would leave and we talked and everything is good now.

Just thought that I'd update to let everyone know that I wasn't quiting my job.

I Want To Quit My Job...

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I want to quit my job. I've written my leter of resignation. Tomorrow will be the day to determine what will happen.

Thank you all very much.

What To Do, What To Do?

I'm at work watching people take tests and I have to use the bathroom but I can't leave. Instead I'm typing up a little blog post. I'm not as angry as I was on Saturday about my job but it still stings.

I have on final exam today in about 3 hours and I haven't studied yet. That's perfectly fine because if I study for too long I get really nervous and then I feel like throwing up. I have another exam tomorrow at 8 am which I hate getting up that early.

The orginal reason I posted this blog was that since I'm procrastinating I've been on Amazon.com all day. I've been looking at the DVDs that I'd like to buy. I add 39 items to my cart and the total was like over a thousand dollars. I wish I could actually buy them all then I'd have a really huge DVD collection which would be totally awesome.

That's all for now. It's back to watching people take tests. Yippie. Everybody have a good week.

Short, Little Post...

This is going to be a short quick post about what's gone on the past week.

I thought my computer got a virus because it freaked out. Turns out that I just overloaded it. I hate work. I'm on the verge of quiting one of the best jobs ever. Finals are this week and I have a major project, one paper, and two finals. Then I work for the next three days before going to meet my boyfriend's family for the first time. I'm looking foward to that.

Why might I quit my job? I work with two people that I'm tired of. I'm senior and I should get the hours I want. But I don't and everybody else does. I'm done not working when I want. Plus, my bosses just suddenly sprung on me that they want me to work the one week that I have off. Talk about frustrating. AAAHHHH!!!

Okay, I felt better after playing a shooting game at the acarde and putting my rantings here. I hope everybody had a better week than me and that next week will be better.

Weekly Update And What's Going On In Life...

That's a really long title but I like it.

My ankle is still bruised behind anything I've ever done. I'm going to post some pictures. I didn't break anything but I did tear somethinig. I had a really hard time walking around for about 4 days. It hurts today but that's probably because I ran on it yesterday. I only ran because I wanted to win our company contest.

I'm not going to talk about the House season finale becuase I think I've posted enough about it over on the House forum.

But I could talk about Studio 60. I'm so glad it's back on. I totally forgot it was on yesterday and I was surfing the channels thinking that I wasn't tired and there was nothing on. That's when I happened upon it. It was a happy accident.

Finals are coming up. I'm dreding them. I have a paper, quiz, project, and two finals. It totally sucks. But I'm almost done and then I'm going to go hang out with my boyfriend. It's going to be tons of fun. Then I'm going to work for the week in between ****s and I'll get paid really good money.

Gas prices are going back down. How could you not be happy about that? Also, I figured out where to park and stay in the shade all day long. That way, my car stays nice and cool.

That's pretty much it for this week. Everybody have a nice weekend and week.

Sleep Walking Is Easy...

This morning I did something pretty stupid. This relates to sleep walking because that's what I had been doing all night but I didn't injury myself until I was awake.

I had to get up early this morning for a class and when I got up my left leg was asleep. At this point I collapsed into the door frame and twisted my ankle. I really cried and when I cry that means it's pretty bad. I'm right now sitting in bed while I miss all my classes for the second time this week. I'm actually frustrated about the whole thing because I can't find the crutches and school's almost over so I really need to go. Plus, I have a paper due to tomorrow and I haven't started and I was going to but I can't the picture I need on the internet.

Let's talk about something that isn't so bad. How about the two season finales this week?

NCIS was okay. I'm really confused about The Frog and his daughter and Tony and how it all relates. Is he suppose to be undercover or what? I think I need to rewatch the episode.

Lost, however, was awesome. I don't think Charlie needed to die though. He so totally could have swimmed out of there. That part was a little fake. Hurley saving the day was great. I'm glad nobody at the beach died because that would have been just devastating and Sawyer killing Tom was cool. Locke's not dead. Yippie. Plus, he actually killed somebody and that totally added to his bad ass image. Then Walt was there too which added another layer. The flash foward was really interesting. I was trying to figure it out all night and then we saw Kate and I totally got it. I was really confused because Jack kept using this newer phone that wouldn't have come out until after the crash and I was like no way they over looked that. Then it all made sense. I'm so totally siked for next season and I'm disappointed that we have to wait until January or Feburary. I can't remember which.

Okay, four last things. House season finale is on next week and I'm totally exctied. Yippie. I guess this is my 66th blog. I can't figure out how you're supposed to tell how many you have so I just counted. Studio 60 is back on tonight and I'm all ready for it. The last thing, Pirates of the Carribean 3 is out tonight and I'm so seeing it this weekend.

Everybody have a nice weekend and a good week.

I'm The Best At Procrastinating...

Last week I avoided doing my paper until midnight and wrote a blog in between finishing it at 2 am in the morning. The paper actually turned out okay but I haven't gotten it back yet, so we'll see.

But this week I'm also putting off studying for my quiz tomorrow. It shouldn't be a problem finding other stuff to do considering that Bones and Lost is on tonight plus my dad has been nagging me all week about cleaning the bathroom. I'll go home and do that and feed my dogs and bug my brother. I'll check my email, facebook, and after that surf for some good fanfiction. But nobody's been posting anything good for awhile. 

House was excellent last night and I totally can't wait for next episode. The previews said that it is supposed to be have the most twists. I disagree because last year's season finale was pretty weird.

I might update after tonight's episode because Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn both kick butt. And plus there's dynamite and you can't beat that.

Oh, I passed my mid-term. It was totally awesome.

Everybody have a good week and watch some really good finales. 

I've Gone And Done It Again...

All right already. Apparently putting off your paper until 1 AM of the morning that it's due isn't such a good idea. I'm actually in the middle of writing it right now but decided to take a break because I'm not quite sure what to write about framing or POV. If somebody asked what POV was in fanfiction, I'd know the answer right away.

Speaking of fanfiction. I'm patting myself on the back today. I finished the second chapter of a fic that I said I was going to do about 6 weeks ago. I guess I really haven't written anything because I'm not feeling all the angst I was before me and my boyfriend got together. Plus, I was obvisiously putting off my paper and decided to do that instead.

I must now talk about the weather. I would like to say that I love living in Oregon. We don't huge wild fires, torandoes, or massive flooding. That doesn't mean I don't sympathize with those people but that doesn't mean I don't love living here. Yeah, we do get the ocassional flood every ten years but nothing compaired to the what the people living along the Missiouri are going through. Apparently, Oregon is supposed to have a major earthquake at some point. But scientists have been saying that for twenty years and nothing's happened yet. That's not to say that it won't happen tomorrow or the next day. But it's not like you can see it coming unless it's a tsunami. Maybe we'll have a giant eruption from one of the Sisters. I can't remember which one though.

Enough about that. Let's talk about the fact that I was feeling all sympathetic for Ben and then he goes and shots John. Okay, now I'm really pissed. You could kill off Jack or pretty much anybody else besides Locke and I'd be okay with it. So how freakin' crappy is it that they kill off Locke? I knew somebody was going to die but there's a reason my friends and I call it the "John Locke Show." He totally kicks butt and he proved it by beating up the Russian dude. I'm just shell shocked. But I really wish they hadn't gone and made Ben so evil at the end. I really was feeling sympathetic for the guy. I don't maybe someother twists and turns will pop up. But the previews looked good. I was hoping that they would blow up the others. I'm also really glad that they set an end date for the show which will lead to a better story line. But I believe that John Locke will come back. Look at the fact that he was paralyzed and then broke his leg and he's fine. Plus the Russian dude was stunned by sonar electric fence and he's still alive. Then the chick that crash landed is still with us. There is some good evidence to support that he'll still be here next season. Hopefully. I know that five people are supposed to die. I read that in the spoiler section. But why Locke? Okay, I'm going to go do some more scoffing. Yes, that's right, scoffing. I couldn't stop doing it last night and my dad made fun of me because it sounded like I had a popcorn kernel stuck in the back of my throat.

I have to go now, so everybody else have a good week.

Time For An Update...

A week has passed and I've only become older. There should be a "wiser" in there but I don't think so.

This will actually be a quick update because I have a major project, paper, and mid-term all due within the next week so this weekend is packed with lots of studying and stuff.

David Anders and Paul Adelstein are back on TV. I knew Paul was going to be on the new spin-off of Grey's Anatomy but I didn't know about David. And as soon as I saw him, I was jumping up and down and yelling at my TV because he's so dang hot and he's from Oregon. That's a total bonus. It's still really funny to hear him without the British accents since that's all he did on Alias.

I learned how to play Scrabble. I knew how to play but I've never played all the way through. It was awesome.

CSI kicked butt. If anybody has doubts about Sara's and Grissom's relationship then they are clearly blind but that doesn't mean that I'm not worried about the Lady Heather episode next week. I want to know what's going on with that and Jorja Fox's contract and the Miniature Killer.

I missed Bones because I didn't know it was on. The place I usually get my shows from hasn't posted anything so I don't think I'll get to watch it at all. 

That's pretty much it. Everybody have a good week until the next time I update.

I Laugh In Your Face...

That's an extraordinarily strange title but there is a purpose behind the madness.

The title is supposed to imply that I had an excellent day. Literally, things could only go better if my quiz for tomorrow was canceled.

First, my digital arts class was good. My professor showed machinimas all day. Great stuff. I suggest looking up Bill and John. Really funny. I promise.

Then I had lunch with my boyfriend who thinks I look like a supermodel or something. It feels a little strange when he says stuff like that but I take it all in and be thankful for it.

My second class actually didn't put me to sleep today. That was great! However, I found out that my friend had to go to court because his house was robbed. That part was lousy.

And the final kicker is...wait for it...I received NCIS Season 3 today. Not tomorrow. Today. One full day ahead of the scheduled release. How freaking crazy is that?

Amazing I know. I'm sorry to anybody else that had a bad day. But hopefully you'll have a good week.

Until next time, everybody hang tight because you never know what life will throw at you.