This morning I did something pretty stupid. This relates to sleep walking because that's what I had been doing all night but I didn't injury myself until I was awake.
I had to get up early this morning for a class and when I got up my left leg was asleep. At this point I collapsed into the door frame and twisted my ankle. I really cried and when I cry that means it's pretty bad. I'm right now sitting in bed while I miss all my classes for the second time this week. I'm actually frustrated about the whole thing because I can't find the crutches and school's almost over so I really need to go. Plus, I have a paper due to tomorrow and I haven't started and I was going to but I can't the picture I need on the internet.
Let's talk about something that isn't so bad. How about the two season finales this week?
NCIS was okay. I'm really confused about The Frog and his daughter and Tony and how it all relates. Is he suppose to be undercover or what? I think I need to rewatch the episode.
Lost, however, was awesome. I don't think Charlie needed to die though. He so totally could have swimmed out of there. That part was a little fake. Hurley saving the day was great. I'm glad nobody at the beach died because that would have been just devastating and Sawyer killing Tom was cool. Locke's not dead. Yippie. Plus, he actually killed somebody and that totally added to his bad ass image. Then Walt was there too which added another layer. The flash foward was really interesting. I was trying to figure it out all night and then we saw Kate and I totally got it. I was really confused because Jack kept using this newer phone that wouldn't have come out until after the crash and I was like no way they over looked that. Then it all made sense. I'm so totally siked for next season and I'm disappointed that we have to wait until January or Feburary. I can't remember which.
Okay, four last things. House season finale is on next week and I'm totally exctied. Yippie. I guess this is my 66th blog. I can't figure out how you're supposed to tell how many you have so I just counted. Studio 60 is back on tonight and I'm all ready for it. The last thing, Pirates of the Carribean 3 is out tonight and I'm so seeing it this weekend.
Everybody have a nice weekend and a good week.
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