yaceka's forum posts
P.S. I'm getting both De Blob and Mario Kart, but I'll choose Mario Kart, just cause it's online.
I was told to post here, when I have a question about which VC game to get, so here goes. Should I get Donkey Kong or Zelda 2 the Adventure of Link? I only have 500 points left, so if you think I should get a different NES game then those two, please tell me. I already have Tecmo Bowl, Tennis, and Super Mario Bros. Thanks!RyGuy2311
Both of those games are not that good. Donkey Kong ISN'T the arcade version, and is incredibly short (only 3 levels), and Zelda 2 is equally bad. If anything, I would recommend Kirby's Adventure, Super Mario Bros 2, or Punch Out.
Man, I don't know what to think. I hated the pacing in Echoes and the game-breaking fetch-me-a-key-a-thon at the end, but after playing through the first hour or so of Corruption last night on a friend's system and witnessing how expertly paced the intro is, I'm leaning towards a buy on this, despite having vowed not to if Retro put another lame fetch quest in.
Besides the wonderful pacing, the controls are wonderful -- perhaps the best use of the remote yet. And it isn't just the fundamentals, like moving and shooting, but the way your movement mimicks Samus' on the screen when she's operating a lock,fiddling with the ship's controls, or using the lasso.
This is also easily the graphical showpiece for the system. Seriously, 3rd parties have had plenty of time to acclimate to this hardware (since it isn't all that dissimilar from a Cube power-wise), it's an embarrassment that so many third-parties have shipped games that look half-baked on the system when it's clearly capable of delivering some immensely satisfying visuals. Seriously, this is a pretty game. Prime games always are, but when you consider that I played Corruption fresh off of a Bioshock bender, that really says something. What is lacking in power is made up for with creative art design.
So, yeah, I dunno. I was hellbent on holding off on this game, but after playing the beginning I just don't think I can. Consider this a glowing endorsement from someone who was getting really jaded with the series after Echoes and is playing the cream of the crop of shooters on the 360. This game looks, controls, and (at least thus far) plays great.
EDIT: The only real knock that I can make against the game so far is the assigning of missiles to the down arrow on the d-pad. When I read about this, I thought you simply assigned them with the d-pad, but fired them with "A." Firing missiles is ungainly seeing as you have to shift your thumb down too far to hit the down arrow, which screws up the aiming of the remote.
Actually, there IS a fetch quest at the end... *hopes it isn't that bad*
Let me try and make a bigger list
Heavenly Sword
Uncharted Drakes Fortune
Ratchet & Clank: TOD
Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy Versus 13
Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo Prologue
White Knight Story
Tekken 6
Eight Days
Killzone 2
L.A Noire
Untitled Rockstar Project
God of War 3
Metal Gear Online
Eye Of Judgement
The Getaway
Time Crisis 4
NBA 08
Heavy Rain
Hot Shots Golf 5
Yep ps3 is looking good
Those are all the games I want on the PS3. Maybe when it eventually gets to $300, I'll get it, but for now, I don't have enough money to even buy games for my Wii. :x
Sonic and the Secret Rings.
People around here just spit on it as if it's Shadow or Sonic '06.
It was definitely a great game and a step back in the right direction for the Sonic series.
Agreed. It's one of my favourite Sonic games, although I hated the whole idea of "missions". If they would make another Sonic game with the same controls (and with a better camera for backing up), and had stages, like in the 2D Sonics (and Sonic Heroes), it'd be my favourite game.
Out of this generation: WarioWare: Smooth Moves/Gears of War
Out of every generation: Halo 2/Zelda: Ocarina of Time/World of Warcraft
Out of this generation: Metroid Prime 3 (at GS only)/Lost Planet
Out of every generation: Shadow of Colossus/Super Mario RPG/PsychonautsHoldThePhone
how was MP3 underrated? it's at like 94% at gamerankings..
"At GS only"
I've been playing it for the past day, and i'm 7 hours in. So far it's one of the best games I've played so far this generation.
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