You're seriously blowing this way out of proportion. They've never gone down for weeks at a time for maintenance, not once. You're flat-out lying, and doing it poorly if I might add.
@hurryup8 You've clearly never actually played a PS3, or at least played online via PSN. It goes down for 6 hours at a time, tops, and that's for server maintenance.
@L1quidSnak3PL @yearssomuch And just so it's clear, this is for MULTIPLAYER F2P games? These are generally the kind of games that are F2P anyway, I only ask because of Sony's specificity in regards to PS+ being a requirement for online multiplayer.
From what I'm reading all F2P games on PS4 will be simply that, free to play. Microsoft keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper...
So can someone confirm something for me? I know Sony's going down the free-to-play route as well, will their F2P games require a PS+ subscription? Why would any console manufacturer, Sony or Microsoft, advertise F2P games, yet require an online subscription to access any of them? If I'm paying a subscription to play them, directly or indirectly, then it's not free. End of story.
Either way, who cares? WoT isn't that great anyway.
@udubdawgz @strothers101 He's clearly a troll.. his avatar and his comment make that obvious. But with a name like 'udubdawgz', I wouldn't expect you to catch that.
yearssomuch's comments