@lostastsea22485 Well if we're going to bring the past into this, enjoy your Microsoft launch product with a 54% failure rate. Yeah, when I'm using past events to reference the current, and even the future, it makes me look pretty silly doesn't it?
You're an idiot, go back to the herd that's lining up for their NSAbox, and enjoy allowing your government more control over you.
I looked into the comments on the original article about Polytron talking about why they couldn't re-patch due to how much money it would cost, and everyone was giving them crap for it rather than looking at Microsoft's ridiculous policies. Now everyone applauds Microsoft's policy change because they actually understand what's happening.
Microsoft COULD release the Xbone without the Kinect built in, and it'd be a lot cheaper, and they'd sell a lot better. But then their Big Brother scheme would go out the window.
Am I the only one who finds the guy who hosts this, the people who read the comments, and just the comments in general, to be painfully annoying? I've tried watching a few episodes of this, and I just don't get it.
yearssomuch's comments