im so tired of all the negative attention towards ps3 I wish all these great games like lil big planet would get here and right away the negativity would disapearFF-resevil-halo
Same here. The black monolith is awakening.
im so tired of all the negative attention towards ps3 I wish all these great games like lil big planet would get here and right away the negativity would disapearFF-resevil-halo
Same here. The black monolith is awakening.
Reviews have no meaning for me on this game, having played the full game during beta. I have the game pre-ordered and paid off already.Velric
I also have it preordered and paid. I don't think any review released before the official release can be considered completely fair since it really has to involve the nature of the online community. Yet hearing beta testers recommend it has to be one of the reasons I'm looking forward to it.
I never take american reviews seriously since they are always biased. At least those at IGN and gamespot...The_Great_Samu
I've noticed these biases with IGN and Gamespot, considering they are American, but I also realized it does seem to reflect the American overall opinion a little truer. (trying not to system war...) I have a PS3 and stand behind it, but have noticed 360 owning friends tend to put down the PS3. What I experience in my very localized world also seems parallel to what I experience in the states as whole through the internet and game mags. Noticeable biases in american review sights only reflect the gaming public in which they are based. With noting those biases I can whatch how these shift over time in how the PS3 makes its impression into the american gaming public.
I had an hdmi cable in ( I tried 3 different ones and they all at random began a crackling noise during movie playback at some parts in the movie, for instance lik LOTR when the wind is blowing and the music is playing, it just cracklesinsanely) and if anyone has any input on that or should I call sony for a coffin , but anyways I bought a component cable to nix the problem and it doesnt upscale normal Dvds!!! Is there a fix coming for this?notoriousmatty
I use coponent and think this sucks. Its only on copyrighted DVDs. If its to protect form copyright infringment I think it instead reinforces it since its better to watch illegit DVDs.
There's not a large enough consumer base. It's all about the marketing and money. They don't care about the community.X360NowPS3Later
The PS3 being better technically also hurts the system in that its harder to develop for. Still consider the games that will be released soon even before it is even a year on the shelves and I think it has been coming along quite nicely. By this time next year I don't think it will be getting screwed anymore, well except maybe by EA, but they like to screw everybody.
Not me, I always care about my own judge and since now we can download demos, that give us an advantage to know the game before buying it. D1rk-Knight
I've found demos good to whet my appetite for a game I'm looking forward to before it is officially released, but have noticed that since it doesn't represent the game as a whole (only the first level usually) I cannot base a demo to assert the fact I'd like a game or not. I've noticed this with the 360's Bioshock demo (yes I know this is a PS3 forum)I found it an underwhelming run of the mill (yet pretty) shooter that might get tedious with repetative enemies and constant dead body searches for items. Now with reviews coming out I've come to notice this is bolstered with a mysterious universe and story. The demo couldn't really show me that, but I know I could like the game because of reviews.
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