That's a fair point, but for them to make any money of those plans, the game has to be playable and have some more content to offer the base game, I would think, but who knows.
I think since we're already able to get this game heavily discounted, and may even get it dirt cheap towards christmas. Some part of me think Bethesda will have to remedy this, with a large add-on to the game to save their reputation. That's the positive thing. However if I'm right about that, they will probably bring in resources from the teams hard at work at Starfield and TES VI to make it come toghether playable and entertaining enough for Bethesda's Austin div. to head it up further in a timely fashion, in order to make this a viable service game for some years, and that's the negative.
I guess they had their little online experiment, hopefully this will serve as a lesson learned. That depends however if people can resist buying the game heavily discounted, only to use tons of cash on micro. Time will tell I guess.
picked up Pillars of Eternity from the EU sale, also pre ordered Shadow of The Colossus and Kingdom Come: Deliverance, that should keep me busy for a while.
The only reason I can see that Wildlands doesn't have this mode already, must be Ubisoft creating it as a new game they can sell in it's entirety and so capitalizing more from doing so.
yngsten's comments