I couldn't agree more with you. Hopefully they see the success of the Demon/Dark Souls/ Bloodborne series, and how much people actually appreciate true wRPGs.
Now that's a concerned fan right there, and rightfully so. If Bethesda pay guys like us no mind, I fear for the series down the line. I don't say Skyrim was a bad game, but something got lost along the way, so much that was great in previous entries was just left out. Part of me fear that they will only get more lazy with the Creation Club, though some good might come of that too, thinking in the way of Beyond Skyrim and the likes.
For the first time in over a decade, I find myself really excited about a COD game. And even more so all the other great games, rumored games and exclusives. This is looking to become one of the greatest e3's of yet!
Have you even downloaded and tried said game out? Me and a friend tried it five matches, all of them we were two against one.. and not to defend gamespot, but this review is pretty much spot on in my experience...
yngsten's comments