unreal plays like no other first person shooter, dodge jumping is what set it apart, gears of war doesnt really do anything to set itself apart from killswitch or winback on n64.
the cover system's basically a gimmick seriously, lol.
Maybe this is true for developers, when metallica was young they kicked ass, they still alright but nothing compared to them as kids...they worked harder to get recognized...it seems samething is happening to cliffy.b i hate how he is just follow industry trends now.
i loved cliffy.b's earlier work but ever since unreal championship 2# it seems he's been making some bad design choices and isnt working as hard.
I think gears of war is a decent game, but they should just add a dedicated jump button, plus let you manually control the chainsaw, so it takes skills, add a dedicated crouch button get rid of gimmick cover system add a socom lean left or right .
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