@unreal849: Its actually 28fps... You got to admit, its not that bad compared to XOnes constant 25 to 20 fps or the complete drop to 0fps~ Come on now~
First off, this is dumb. This guy just needs to shut up because he is trying to sound smart, yet he is completely contradictory... Why should games be what he says they should be? I thought video games can be what ever they want to be and people can enjoy whatever types they want to enjoy? Seriously though its just dumb, Uncharted 2 and 3 in particular have FANTASTIC storys, some oft he best in gaming. I really don't understand his negativity because both these guys will never accomplish games on that scale. And personally I prefer linear type of games, that is what I grew up with. I enjoy playing as a certain character and living through his story, I enjoy Drakes story and playing as him. Usually that is how most games are and RPGs in particular. So what the FUC* is wrong with that'? This dude just sounds jealous because he don't like the huge critical reception these games receive lol
dumb article really, Uncharted and Last of Us have already CLEARLY proved there multiplayer is better then just "Spin off status". Obviously this article must be from a monkey who never actually invested time into the multiplayer modes because both franchises pretty much had the best multiplayer on PS consoles. In fact I have always said that Uncharted and Halo are my favorite multiplayer games!! Only people who don't actually play the MP talk crap about it...
@keichimorisato9: There are actually a lot of traditional turn based JRPGs coming to PS4 and other consoles so I don't know what you are talking about... Or have you forgotten things like Persona 5, Dragon Quest 11, Square Enix's Project Setsuna, Legend of Heroes Cold Steel, Digimon Cyber Slueth, Fire Emblem X Shin Megami, Exist Archive (Valkrie Profile reskinned, it is actually one of my most anticipated titles). Plus a bunch more, I mean just go watch that Sony conference at TGS and you will see! And your opinion of Final Fantasy couldn't be more wrong, FF has always changed and adapted to modern day. In fact one could argue that the drastic change each title makes is what keeps that franchise so popular and thriving the way it does..
Gamespot has been on a binge of handing out 5s and 6s..... Man I am upset at this review, as I have actually been playing this game myself and found it be pretty damn good! Its better then about the last 3 tales games (Graces F, Hearts F and Xillia 2) And I really don't understand the damn obsession with the graphics? I actually thought they look good, in fact I find myself just staring out at some environments in awe. Also, so now you guys are bashing games for there budgets??? That don't make no sense man... Seriously, you cant bash games because YOU want them to have bigger budgets then they can actually afford. If this is the case lets just start ripping EVERY indie game from here on out. The Tales series has NEVER had huge budgets, and in fact Japanese games in general tend to not have huge budgets aside from juggernaughts like Square Enix. Im sorry that is just a horrible negative, also against the fact that this Tales feels like it had a bigger budget then PAST Tales which was actually a positive for me. The larger more detailed areas and better graphics then past Tales makes this game stand out. Anyway, I would advise any RPG fan to try this game because it actually surprised me at how good this game is despite a horrible review like this...
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