yoyodan92's forum posts
where is Ninja Gaiden, Warhawk, DMC4, MGS4, Uncharted, 8 days, Kane and Lynch,Keasy4
When is 8 Days coming out? hmm neva played DMC or MGS so got no idea what all the fuss is bout lol Ninja Gaiden? Never played it mate, Warhawk hhhhmmm maybe gotta see lol
Lair (July 31st)
Heavenly Sword (August)
Assassins Creed (September)
GTA IV (Oct 16th)
Haze (November)
Killzone 2
The Getaway
War Devil
Half Life 2: Orange Box (December)
Tekken 6
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
L.A Noir
F.E.A.R Next
Unreal Tournament 3
What will you be getting? Or would like to get on your ps3 for 2007 and/or 2008? And if you know any for 2009, feel free to share lol
are you serious fool?
lol jokes u aint no fool just luv sayin dat :D
ok i agree that thing looks pretty darn good, but thats graphics, games arent all about graphics. GTA gamewise overall is wayy wayyy wayyyyy better. Getaway at the moment looks graphically better, but doesnt have that same game value and fun factor GTA holds.
And you may be suprised with GTA's graphics, its been described by those who have viewed as the same dramatic graphical change as was GTA II to GTA III and the best next gen graphics anyone has yet witnessed in a normal game. And the screenshots on OPM look way better than anything ive seen before and their still only 50 percent complete.
Controlling helicopters, boats, cars etc.?
Raising controller quickly enforces jump?
aiming the gun in the ammunation training thing
jabbing the controller makes melee his harder?
Lol i dunno just throwin it out there, wacha rekon?
They look really good and have been getting decent hands-on previews (especially 'Spidey'). Will you be buying either of them?quiksilver022
spidey for suree, love free roame world gamess, speshally swinging roundd at my pleasure :D
oh and try not to let your jaw hit the floor too hard. lol
nothind special
Are you serious? You obviously have no idea about the power of natural motions euphoria.
Eurphoria is a system that allows developers to give characters 'biomechanical AI', it literally infuses them with a central nervous system, a brain and a spinal chor and a nervous system and even muscles that allow them to act by reflex. (Say batman, if you jump out at an opponant instead of the opponent just simply shooting at the sight of you, it will jump because it was startled making it much more realistic) They have a sort of self preservation, if an enemy is shot of the edge of a cliff, it will hold onto the edge of the cliff for as long as their muscles can withstand, if another one is pushed off the AI will grab onto the other enemies leg, if the top enemy is about to die because the 'ally' holding onto his leg is not allowing him to climb up, he will shake him off and let him fall to his death just so that AI can survive....cutting edge technology.
You can see great examples here (videos)
Let me give you some examples of just how impressive this is. Say you are Nick Bellnic from GTA IV and you have just started out and have not been going to the gym and thus have little muscle mass, when you try and climb a high wall depending on your muscle mass it will give a perfectly realistic visual of whether you get over the wall or not or quicker or slower because of your current muscle strength. When you are hit by a car, instead of the set scripted animation, depending on your angle, body mass, muscle mass, weight, speed etc. everytime you are hit by a car, a different outcome will appear. there is no scripted animations it is all simulated on the spot as in reality based upon all physisical properties and physisc of the game including body mass, weight, muscle mass, bone structure, heigh, width, velocity. environmental factors (wind, objects) etc. This is the future of gaming as it allows a realistic experience everytime, and different everytime. If you open the door you can feel the weight of the door as the character pushes through, if he is climbing up a ladder his body movement will be spontaneus according to each level of the ladder, if a bird comes to the character it will shoo off with its arm spontaneously, if you hit a guy across the face it will be different everytime in consideration of all the factors. It is an extremely complicated piece of technology and will make future games such as GTA IV,
Yes, yes... When i'm reading this I think that it's awesome!!! But. When you watching this... i's not awesome enough
yeah thats true, but those are just quick demo runs with extremely cut down graphics and basic show off, check out the star wars pre vid video that is a fairly good example, the true example is GTA IV, read the scans from the game informer they make imporant mention of this and are jaw droppingly dazzled at a time when they did not know that the reason GTA IV was able to do all these crazy things was because of euphoria.
Oh and by the way to answer your question specifically the games officially using euphoria technology (crazy cutting edge technology) is 'Star Wars The Force Unleashed', GTA IV and Indiana Jones IV.
cheers mate, look forward to euphoria its the technology of the future! Im still in shock lol
oh and try not to let your jaw hit the floor too hard. lol
nothind special
Are you serious? You obviously have no idea about the power of natural motions euphoria.
Eurphoria is a system that allows developers to give characters 'biomechanical AI', it literally infuses them with a central nervous system, a brain and a spinal chor and a nervous system and even muscles that allow them to act by reflex. (Say batman, if you jump out at an opponant instead of the opponent just simply shooting at the sight of you, it will jump because it was startled making it much more realistic) They have a sort of self preservation, if an enemy is shot of the edge of a cliff, it will hold onto the edge of the cliff for as long as their muscles can withstand, if another one is pushed off the AI will grab onto the other enemies leg, if the top enemy is about to die because the 'ally' holding onto his leg is not allowing him to climb up, he will shake him off and let him fall to his death just so that AI can survive....cutting edge technology.
You can see great examples here (videos)
Let me give you some examples of just how impressive this is. Say you are Nick Bellnic from GTA IV and you have just started out and have not been going to the gym and thus have little muscle mass, when you try and climb a high wall depending on your muscle mass it will give a perfectly realistic visual of whether you get over the wall or not or quicker or slower because of your current muscle strength. When you are hit by a car, instead of the set scripted animation, depending on your angle, body mass, muscle mass, weight, speed etc. everytime you are hit by a car, a different outcome will appear. there is no scripted animations it is all simulated on the spot as in reality based upon all physisical properties and physisc of the game including body mass, weight, muscle mass, bone structure, heigh, width, velocity. environmental factors (wind, objects) etc. This is the future of gaming as it allows a realistic experience everytime, and different everytime. If you open the door you can feel the weight of the door as the character pushes through, if he is climbing up a ladder his body movement will be spontaneus according to each level of the ladder, if a bird comes to the character it will shoo off with its arm spontaneously, if you hit a guy across the face it will be different everytime in consideration of all the factors. It is an extremely complicated piece of technology and will make future games such as GTA IV,
Like seriously, what is wrong with all you people?? GTA IV (Best franchise on earthhh), no offence :) But like halo 3 atm looks pretty chatt (crap) like in comparison to halo 2, not much difference, unlike with GTA IV the developers are describing the change to be nearly as dramatic as the change from GTA 2 to GTA III, thats gotta count for something!
cheers all!
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