You know you could just google it and find out rather than get on here to have someone else google it, just a thought.budboarder
lol so true
You know you could just google it and find out rather than get on here to have someone else google it, just a thought.budboarder
lol so true
[QUOTE="yoyodan92"]Oh and to guyhunter, thats the internet mate, i mean like stores e.g. Myer, David Jones, EB Games, Toysrus, Target etc. guyhunter
what the hell is gamesmen? lol Where the hell do you live in australiaa?? I want to go there lol Mate I checked my jb hifi (hornsby and parramatta), eb games, games wizard, myer, david jones, target and even kmart n they all say memory card adaptor aint been released in australia yet and australia aint got no ps3 controllers. Someone better not be lying to me! Its that damn myer! lol Nah jokes i luv u myer...
But anyway im really HAPPY with my ps3 so its all good now, resistance is an AWESUM game and makes the ps3 worthwhile and the ps3 has so much youc an do. And when i hook it up to the internet its gonna be awesummmm. Way betta than ma 360 i rekon.
there once was a man, with wise words.......went somethin like this, dont BELIEVE someone who says has a ps3, without a PS ID lolJoKeR_421
I dont have an internet connection downstairs yet so cant register my ps3 yet. Getting one soon though. Can i get my PS ID through ma computer?
Oh and to guyhunter, thats the internet mate, i mean like stores e.g. Myer, David Jones, EB Games, Toysrus, Target etc.
Ill probably have to get it off ebay or something. Anyway thanks a lot, resistance is AWESUM! And my ps3 is AWESUM! Cant wait till Lair, DMC4, Heavenly Sword and GTA IV come out....gonna be hectic!
Ok well i plugged in my usb device into my ps3 with my music in it, all are mp3s. But it says 'no tracks detected' or something. How do i get past that?
Second, how do I play my ps3 music in the background like on the 360, like even in games? Is it possible?
Thirdly same thing happened with the video on the usb, what do i do to make it detect it and how do i copy the video and music onto the hard dive?
yea dude something is wrong with your console the ps3 is wicked quiet if your more than 5 feet away u wont even know its on. and the fact thats its freezing theres definatly something wrong, my ps3 has never EVER frozen on me wile my 360 used to freeze if i looked at it. not to mention i near earplugs to cover the noise lvl of it. (lil exageration but idc its flippen noisey) Contact the shipper and maybe u can work out a deal like he can send ur reciept or something. he might jsut do that then again he might not but worth a try.Sniperwire
just got resistancee and thats silent, like i literally cannot hear anything, must be deaf lol But fight night round 3 it just goes balistic, well only during loading sequences. And i tried out playing an audio cd on it, silent as a mouse. Sweet as!
I would take it back for a different one or check your game disc. The ps3 drive is very quiet. Only a muted churning sound when loading if it is working properly.crck
crap, i got it from ebay. Oh no. lol I should be right though aye. I heard someone else had the same problem and it only happened with Fight Night Round 3 and Motorstorm and no other games. I should be ok....right?
Well I GOT A PS3!! YEEE!
Okayy i dont have the best of TV's only 560i...yes 'i'. So i hooked it up and put in fight night round 3....not too happy. My ps3 did that disc noise between loading things and between the loading things sometimes randomly froze for a second. And i was like umm ok. Fight night round 3 wasnt too fun, doesnt have six axis capabilities which I would like to use, dont have internet capability downstairs n yeah. So then ok well I went to get another ps3 controller right. Geuss what. The WHOLE of friken Australia is out of ps3 controllers till at least mid june. MID JUNE! Wow.
Ok well now Im off to get Resistance Fall of Man. Hopefully thatll be good. Hopefully. Oh and Australia dont have Ps3 memory card adaptors. I cant play gta san andreas on my ps3. That sux. What is there to do with my ps3? Well Hopefully Resistance will do me good. Or Ill just wait till july for lair and the controller and hope for the best. Ive supported sony all my life and will continue to because I believe it is the superior console for the future of gaming. But at the moment, im sitting here, playing my xbox 360 with gears of war and having a good time.
Anyone know what I can do with my ps3? If anything?
Dont worry 150 people are working on the game, lots of hard work, this will be the first game to be truly next gen game in terms of graphics AND gameplay, on ps3 apart from oblivion and hopefully spiderman 3stefanlek
hey mate, only next gen game? Nah not spiderman 3 or oblivion, gta iv and war devil and lair/heavenly sword give the real next gen experience
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