yoyodan92's forum posts
see not ven people on the ps3 forum have anything positive to say for the ps3 its kinda sad that there isnt much hope in the ps3 presently.loony_fart
hey mate i agree with ya fully, there arent that many games worth playing on the ps3 at the moment. AT THE MOMENT. By september, december, youll be wishin you never sold that ps3. But i use my ps3 a lot for videos so its alright.
if that doesnt work youll have to ring sony and sort it out with a consultant who can read out your password to you.
cheers mate hope it helps!
keep gettin buried :( anyways anyone help me out ? How i recover my master account passwordwhiteshadow55
why dont you just go and click the 'forgot password' link?
"They" also want us to stop butchering animals, hunt, use fertilizer, and tons of other things that actually help our world. So I don't very much care for the opinions of "they". lol
umm how does hunting help the world? how does deforestation help the world? how does testing on animals by cutting dogs eyes open while they are alive and not under anesthisia helping the world? is anyone saying using fertiliser is bad? these things dont help the world, they help humans. Humans arent the world mate, theres more to it than that.
If you live in Australia you can share PSN IDs in here. Its a good way for us Aussies to keep together with a lot of the servers being Austrlian and New Zealand specific. And only gamertags / IDs / tag whatever you call them. If you say something let it only be your PSN ID and maybe a small comment.
Mine's gangsta_luv
Cheers all!
lets do a match in resistance with only gamespot members or a team!!!
awesum yeah thatd be pretty sik, anymore peoples? And you guyz play online much?
I play Resistance pretty often. You can go on n add me too!tehpiecemaker
sweet no worries will do! Anyone else play resistance often? ill add ya or you add me 'gangsta_luv' lol
Hey mate i added ya on tha ps3 lol im kinda new to this but can ya accept mese not sure if i did it right cheers mateI have fight night and resistance, feel free to add me PSN = Eagle_CFC
Well, there's youtube for starters, I recommend searching for, crazy cats, talking cats, talking dogs, crazy dogs, Beyonce, CJ Gibson. ETC
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