yoyodan92's forum posts
I never played Halo, well I did, but I wasn't like "ZOMGHALOBESTGAMEEVER!!!11!!SHIFT!!!ONE11!!!" so I really don't care
so true, it brings nothing new to the table. Theres so much hype, all it is, is a clasic shooter.....a clasic shooter. You know, bang bang dead guy, oops im dead oh hey i just recarnated a few feet from my last position and hey, i just avenged my own death....for the cabillionth time. But i mean its a clasic shooter, and it does that well. And its found extremely fun for many and thats the main thing.
cheers all!
*spelt 'clasic' wrong as it thought i was swearing and saying 'ass' lol*
i dont wanna change the subject but did any one else notice how brain dead the AI was?
i mean they were just moving around and noriko just imploded there membrain
Yeah, that's what I'm hoping... I did notice that seemed to be the only time I've seen somewhat unresponsive AI in gameplay that we've seen so far, so hopefully that's the case.jwmakoto
hey mate dont worry bout it, its heavenly sword gonna be a mad ass game no matter what, well hopefully. Gonna be fun slashing through "thousands of enemies" in the desert levels.
cheers all!
This is spam and is totally unacceptable. Reportedq8hr
What....how? I really dont get it, ive just posted about HD-DVD and how it may be losing it's biggest studio. I did not mention the ps3 troll.....please be so kind as to explain how it is spamming? I just dont get it :#
[QUOTE="yoyodan92"]Do you know that you will get banned for trolling in this forum. Go to the System Wars forum if your trying to find a debate.Hey umm....sorry, whos winning the format war? I think it might be.....Blu Ray? Just maybe? take a look.
also, here in Australia HD-DVD is unheard of, infact the only 'war' in formats is America. So for those who believed in HD-DVD because it was backed by xbox 360, or just those who belived in HD-DVD, well, there ya go. :D
cheers all!
hey mate sorry didnt know it was trolling, still dont really think its trolling, im just saying this because its backed by the xbox 360 and is relevant to the xbox 360 as Peter Moore made a statement a week ago saying that Microsoft still backs HD-DVD 100%. I'm not saying it has anything to do with the troll 'PS3'. no trolling here mate.
Hey umm....sorry, whos winning the format war? I think it might be.....Blu Ray? Just maybe? take a look.
also, here in Australia HD-DVD is unheard of, infact the only 'war' in formats is America. So for those who believed in HD-DVD because it was backed by xbox 360, or just those who belived in HD-DVD, well, there ya go. :D
cheers all!
yeah i dont think the update will be out just yet, it might be out by sunday or monday because it says by the 'end of the week'. So it may be friday, may be sunday, or monday for people living in different time zones.
cheers mate
*just got bak from suspension....hi :D*
Mate the event 'starts' on the 14th, but it really begins 10 AM on the 15th for one day lol. Dont expect too much though Sony has stated it is mainly for Ratchet and Clanks big unveiling not killzone 2 or anything. Theyve stated that Killzone 2 will be unveiled in E3 2007.
cheers mate
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