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God Eater - Monster Strategy Guide ( WIP )

Thought I might as well put in a guide of the monsters here.

Well , I won't bother putting in the weaknesses ( At least , for most of them ) but I'll put in the general strategic courses to take in face of such monsters.


The Kongou is one of the first major monsters you'd encounter.
Whilst there are various forms of Kongous , their weaknesses are generally at the back / tail and if your using the right element , you can deal a lot of damage to the Aragami.
It's face is susceptible to crush effects and it's arms can be broken as well.
The best course to take is to focus on it's HIND legs. After a while , it ought to topple onto the ground and that is the time to use whatever attacks you have in your sleeves at it's weak points.
Repeat the process and the battle would be a walk in the park,

As for the Kongou's attacks , it can be easily predicted judging from it's movement patterns so your not likely to be hitted if your careful enough.


A Gboro-Gboro is yet another early creature you have to face,
Whilst there are various elemental variations , the way to deal with them is pretty much the same.
Hitting the large fins on it's side is the equivalant of hitting it's legs - which would pretty much cause it to topple.
A Gboro-Gboro's fin ( The one on the head ) is easily breakable and is also it's weakest point.

A Gboro-Gboro is easily to deal with but if they come along with ANOTHER monster , it may mean trouble.
It is to be noted that whenever the top fin is lifted up , you OUGHT to hide behind the monster. However , it is also capable of performing an attack which can hit the player wherever he / she is. If a swirl of cloud appears beneath your feet , DODGE IMMEDIATELY.
Later variants of Gboro-Gboro are a bit more tricky than the earlier versions but , by right , you ought to win if your using the right elemental weapons.

3. Chi-You / Sehkmet/ Hera

A Chi-You is a fairly tricky figure.
It's lower body is fully armored and is not easy to damage. However , the wings / arms and the torso / head is susceptible to damage.
If your using high-crush value bullets , you may want to try damaging it's lower body.
Pierce is recommeded for the top half.
If your using Sunder weapons , just charge in and hack at the wings.

It is recommeded to stay BEHIND the Chi-You at all times since it have some pretty tricky moves if your facing it directly at the front. ( Particularly from a distance )
However , note that a Sekhmet ( Advanced version of Chi-You ) is capable of performing a 360 degrees attack. However , it is not flawless. Wind will burst forth from the ground in the shape of a cross , so you'd just have to find an opening between the attack.
Still , the general advice is , stay behind it , use quick attacks and hurt it real bad when it stumbles - which isn't difficult if your aiming for the head with powerful blows.

The Sehkmet is weak to Freeze weapons.

Borg Camlann

A Borg Camlann is a bit of a pain in the arse.
It's defence value is incredibly high and melee weapons of no elemental advantage is not going to work well on this beast.
The weaknesses are it's tail and with piercing rounds , the head.
Status ailments may prove necessary to this battle.
Note that you can cause the Aragami to topple by focusing on it's legs and the shield can be broken to incur more damage into the Aragami.

The general idea of fighting a Borg Camlann is - be alert.
It is dangeous regardless of your position - though more specifically the front.
You may want to check out what your allies are doing when fighting this creature.
It is to be noted that when this Aragami starts to shield itself , you may want to move out of it's potential range. If your allies are still rushing in to attack , just stick to the back and whack it hard.
If your allies are RETREATING , however , mimick them are run off - if it's too late , use your shield to block the tail swipe.
If you can do a double jump , use it to dodge the swipe.

5. Susano'o

A Susano'o have the same base moves as a Borg Camlann but it have a few aces up it's sleeves... or spikes.
It's 360 degrees tail swipe move have a longer range and it will leave elemental orbs behind it's trail.
A Susano'o's weakness is the SPIKE of it's tail. You can hit it when the Susano'o is enraged and got it's tail caught up in one of it's attacks or by knocking it down by hitting it's legs.

A Susano'o is very dangerous to confront by the front - so it's recommeded to stick by it's bum like a dirty old lecher.
However , remember that it's TAIL can still give you quite the whacking if your not alert enough and the Susano'o is fairly quick in it's own right.

Otherwise , some good ol' Divine weapons could give you quite the edge in this battle.

6. Vajra / Prithi Matva / Dyaus Pita ( The Emperor )

A Vajra is a powerful enemy - early on in the game anyway.
It's "cape" is highly durable but once broken , the battle would become easier as a whole.
The face and the tail is highly susceptible to damage.
If it sustains enough damage , it may stumble for a moment , allowing you to dish some extra attacks.

The Vajra is quick and nimble. If it starts running towards you , dodge the moment it pounces.
It is also capable of charging several electric balls - which would be shot out in a 120 degrees manner.
You can take advantage of this by moving to it's side and Devour it with this opportunity.
When angered , it's pounces may occasionally come along with a large burst of electricity so dodge well.

Prithi Matva shares a similar moveset and it is also fairly aggressive. It's defences doesn't seem to be quite so impressive but as they say - the best defence is the best offence.
The Prithi Matva have some pretty impressive hit area value attacks and when it flips overhead , dodge as the landing would incur a 360 degrees attack.
It's large area attacks can be quite a pain so the act of "hit-and-run" is important for this battle.

The Emperor , or the Dyaus Pita , is truly a pain to fight against.
It shares similar movesets to a Vajra and a Prithi Matva and it's defences is admirable.
Breaking it's cape with powerful attacks ought to be your priority as it would make the ensuing battle go along an easier course.

Sariel / Fallen Sariel / Aethus / Zeus

All of them have similar movesets so I might as well lump them together.

Essentially , the Sariel variants have powerful homing attacks so it's best to stick close to them.
However , it does have a fair bit of lagtime prior and after each attack so despite it's "mobility" , there are many chances to deal some damage.
The top of it's body is weak against attacks - though the legs are susceptible to damage as well. Though the thing is , the legs are covered by hardy skirt armor and can't be easily reached.

Oddly enough , if you go for the legs , it will fall onto the ground and be renderred helpless against any attack you would have to offer.
So going for the legs isn't a stupid decision at all - as it would make the torso exposed to an assortment of attacks.

However , sticking close to it isn't 100% safe as later variants of the Sariel can emit poisonous pools of toxin beneath it and when it spreads it's wings , a large beam of light will spread around it.
Though you can also make use of this beam of light as it only have a "hit once" effect. If you block the beam , you can rush in to have some free hits on the Sariel - or stay afar and send in some shots whilst it is immobile.

Ouroborus / Fallen Ouroborus / Amaterasu

The Ouroborus variants are big , slow but can give you quite a whacking.
The Ouroborus' defences are pretty much above average - save for the head and the limbs when it is enraged.
The Fallen Ouroborus is the same as the Ouroborus - but it's AI is improved and it's generally more aggressive , but it is also a mite bit slower.

The general tactic of fighting against an Ouroborus is - devour as much as possible. It's not difficult owing to it's size and speed and you can easily feast on it's oversized hinds. ( ... Sounds pretty wrong )
Then pass the AA bullet to your allies and watch the fireworks.

The Amaterasu , however , is different. ( Not only in appearances , but also defence values )
Other than it's suggestive and distractive meat sacks which hangs loosely off it's chest which shakes at every move ( Lord , is this game seriously rated Teen? ) , it is also A LOT more powerful than a common Ouroborus.
An Amaterasu shares similar move sets to an Ouroborus , but with slightly more ranged attacks and aces up it's... ehh... hide?

Ranged attacks aren't all too effective against an Amaterasu so you might want to bring a squad of melee combatants - favourably Newtypes for AA Bullets as they are critical for your battle.
Amaterasu Aragamis are pretty slow but if you got caught up in one of it's attacks , expect a good chunk of your HP to disappear from the bar.

The battle is going to be long as bullets aren't effective against it and it's defence value is pretty migh as well.
Essentially , stick to it's back and run like there's no tomorrow the moment it leaps into the air or sends it's tentacles into the ground.

Otherwise , a battle against an Amaterasu is mainly about stamina - it's not actually that difficult as people had said ( Just carry enough recovery items and some reliable teammates ) but remember that it does get a bit faster when it's enraged and you'd definitely die if you don't dodge when it starts attacking.
Like with the Ouroborus - stick to it's back - to the front when it stumbles.

Quadriga / Tezcalipoca / Poseidon

A Quadriga isn't all to difficult of a foe - if you have the right tools.
Elemental prowess and bullet prowess is key to victory.
A Quadriga's missle pods , head and chest is extremely weak against attacks so you might want to aim for those spots.
Hitting it's FRONT legs will cause it to fall to it's knees... or legs.. or whatever you call those.

When it falls , you may want to decide between Devouring or using a chain of powerful attacks to it's exposed chest.

However , a Quadriga's attack can be difficult to dodge owing to it's size and offensive nature. The homing missles needs to be dodged at the RIGHT time and it have a large attack radius as a whole.
360 degrees attacks are common with this foe so you might as well stick to it's front - just remember to dodge when it starts nudging about.

The Tez ( I'll call it that for convenience ) have similar movesets , but it is... say... a lot more annoying.
It is capable of using unexpected moves at unexpected times , like dropping a bomb over your head.
Dodging often is key to this battle - though you don't really need to worry that much if it isn't facing you.

Arda Nova

A pretty annoying duo - but the idea is - stick behind it's back like just any other Aragami.
Your focus should be the "God" ( The gigantic tankard that floats behind the "Goddess" ) and the Goddess should be saved for later.

The God Arda Nova is capalbe of using a variety of ranged attacks - but most of them are shot through the front so stick behind it and whack it hard.
Since it's afloat in the air , jumping is necessary but take note of the Goddess' movement before doing such a reckless act. The Goddess is capable of doing 360 degrees attack , such as swiping you off with it's limbs or summoning a gigantic tower of light which surrounds it to blast you off your feet.

Fortunately , the God is less durable and is likely to fall quickly if you focus enough attacks upon it.
Then , you can focus on the Goddess.

Whilst it may be alone , it can still dish out some pretty powerful attacks. Aim for the halo on it's head - that is it's weakness.
When fighting against a lone Goddess , the idea is - hit it a few times , leap back , see what it does and go back in.
You DO NOT want to be caught in those attacks.

This is Work In Progress - I'll try to finish it up with as much details as possible. Such as breakable parts , vulnerabilities , Pierce / Sunder / Crush weakness , part vulnerability and stuff like that.

The Answers - and now Playing..



Q : Were you at one point shorter than an older sibling , and how much are you taller than them?

A : Considering that their like almost 10 years older than me - I WAS shorter than them :P Now I'm about a head taller.


Q : Worst game you've ever played?

A : Last Rebellion - Lord , that game was horrible.

Q : Favourite Anime?

A : Can't really say - I have a few favs from each genre. Romance for Spice and Wolf , Mecha for Neon Genesis Evangelion , Macross series and Gundam.... you get the idea.


Q : What is your favourite book?

A : Hmm... Since your into political stuff - I'll say - Tom Clancy :P

Q : How would people describe you?

A : A nice person. No , I'm serious. Probably.

Q : Are you allergic to anything?

A : I'm allergic to bullets , insults and... ahh , yes , trolls.


Now Playing

Hmm... My PSP just got fixed some I grubbed two new games for my collection.

Black Rock Shooter : The Game


Macross Triangle Frontier

I'm not actually playing BRS right now - but I AM playing MTF.

The gameplay is surprisingly fluid , balanced , paced and intense considering that it uses a modified engine of Gundam Assault Survive - gameplay-wise , the fundamentals but everything else is drastically improved to suit Macross' image.
The mechanics , graphics and physics are top-notch - whilst the controls are incredibly awkward at first ( A combination of flight stimulation + Mecha controls + Transformation + Difficult control schemes ) , once your used to it - you'd be playing like a pro.

The main challenge is the controls and how inaccurate the bullets can be - but with a little practice this game can be pretty easy but fun at the same time.
Custom Pilots takes time to create since you'd need to play through Academy Mode ( It's a bit like a Visual Novel ) and your stats increases accordingly to whom you hang out with more - or something along those lines.
There is even a Love Triangle system which would boost the performance of your support allies and partner if they love your character. I guess Macross isn't complete without all those difficult love triangles , no? :P

Either way , this game can be fairly unusualy since you can have - for example - Sheryl as your support unit. Using her ability requires SP but in return , she would sing one of her songs for one minute and during that duration , the damage you dish out would dramatically increase.
So yeah , this game is EPIC!

Ask me Anything Blog

Title says it all... *snooze*

Mnnh... Not really into blogging these days so you guys might as well ask anything you want of me.


The Masked Dudes of Gundam

Char Aznable ( Gundam , Gundam Z , Gundam ZZ , Gundam : Char's Counterattack )

The first masked dood of the Gundam series.
In the first Mobile Suit , he came into conflict with the protoganist , Amuro Ray , several times in a row with his red painted custom issue of Mobile Suits. Ranging from a ZAKU II to a Gelgoog Custom.
His feats had earned him the title of the "Red Comet" and other than being a superior pilot , his philosophy , wisdom and charisma can be seen in Char's Counterattack.
Whilst not "evil" , his ways can be extreme and his philosophy had stood the test of time.
His easily the best antagonist the Gundam series have ever seen.

Rau le Creuset ( Gundam Seed )

He looks like Char , no?
However - unlike Char , his ideas are extreme and his hubris is undeniable - their goals , intentions , will and philosophy are worlds apart.
If Char can be considered a saviour - Creuset is the pure incarnation of destruction.
However , like Char , his skills with a Mobile Suit is undeniable and despite the fact that he does not carry the edge in battle as a Coordinator does , he have placed heavy strain on the pilot of the Strike unit.
His other fellow clones are no match to his wickedness , ideals and piloting skills.

Carozzo "Iron Mask" Ronah ( Gundam F91 )

Well , here we have another sicko whom intends to wipe the Earth clean of it's populace. Boy , we have Axis , nuclear satellites and... mechanic bugs? What's next , Sunrise?
Iron Mask Ronah is easily the most dangerous antagonist Gundam history have to face. Whilst his philosophy and wisdom is not that of Char Aznable's - his ability as a pilot is lethal.
His physically superior - or rather , he have superhuman strength and his telekinetic abilities can be more effective than any firearm.
If it's superior pilots we're talking about , can anyone outmatch this nutty masked man?

Neo Lorrnoke ( Gundam Seed Destiny )

Who would've thought that twiddling around someone's brains would turn them into a ruthless leader.
Well , the true identity of Neo Lorrnoke would be a bit spoiler-ish so I'll leave it at that.

Zechs Marquise ( Gundam Wing / Endless Waltz )

Zechs is a masked man with a bit of a background and like Char , he ain't too evil - or rather , his the one closest to peace whilst having an ideal of his own.
Zechs is shown to have... well , remarkable piloting skills and is shown to attract loyalty of the people around him and the tolerance of those whom are his higher-ups.
He is not proud - but he does not deny his skills either - how he monotonously admits his own skills with neither pride nor humility makes him a rather unique character.

No Image

Cronicle Asher ( V Gundam )

Not sure whether I should add him to be honest.
He have a mask but... ehh , let's just say it's more like some flimsy cloth covering up his face than the usual masks you see in Gundam antagonists.
Asher is a capable pilot , being able to put up a fight and even a form of rivalry with Uso Ewwin whom is piloting a Gundam and as a soldier , he is effective and somewhat concerned about the safety of regular citizens.

Schwarz Bruder ( G Gundam )

Did I spell it right? :X
Anyways , this ninja dude pilots the Shadow Gundam / Gundam Spiegel and he is one of the more talented pilots in the Mobile Gundam Fighter series.
Since it's G Gundam we're talking about , I don't really need to go into the "personality and ideal" thing.

Graham Aker / Mr. Bushido ( Gundam 00 )

Stubborn but fairly charismatic. Graham Aker proves to be an exceptional pilot as he is able to put up a fight with a Gundam using only a lightly armored Flag.
His pretty much a fighting nut since his only purpose is to fight against the Gundam units as he finds himself obsessed with them ever since he got his arse kicked by the Celestial Being Gundam units.
I swear these masked dudes are lacking in ideals and philosophy ever since the appearance of Char.

Full Frontal ( Gundam Unicorn )

Char Aznable with Gym Ghingham's hairdo ( Turn A Gundam )
His also known as the "Second Coming of Char"
Whilst a clone of Char , he is not exactly HIM in question. ( Even the face looks slightly different )
Full Frontal recognises the fact that he is a clone and he does indeed bear great wisdom - not to mention skills like the person he was based off.
But his beliefs , idealism and philosophy is slightly different - in a way , his more manipulative. A slight difference in his thoughts had made this man different from Char - though the two have a few things in common. Their wisdom , their strength in their philosophies and their skill as Mobile Suit pilots.
Full Frontal - too - have said many memorable lines. He had also once said that he would become Char if the people will him so - making him and Char alike look like the very core and existence - the very philosophy of the organization of Zeon.
Still , the fluffy hair does put me off a little.


Gundam EXTREME VS - as labelled in Gamespot - would be coming to the PS3 in December.

Gundam EXTREME VS is essentially the "sequel" of the PSP game Gundam vs Gundam and was originally made for the Arcades - though it is now being ported over to the PS3.
Not sure about you guys but... HERE I COME , TALLGEESE AND WING ZERO!

*Example of Gameplay*

Currently Downloading Rusty Hearts

It's a Steam MMO and to be honest - I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT'S ABOUT! XD

Either way , I think I'd be sticking to Steam games for awhile , PSN's DLC packages is gives too much mental strain to my brains. At least Steam have better packages and offers compared to the PSN =.=

Dead Island - One heckuva zombie game

Dead Island - the child spawned from... say... Oblivion and Dead Rising? :P

I'm only at Chapter 2 ( I'm using Xian - since she specialises in blades... and I like sharp weapons :D ) but heck , is this game a masterpiece.

It's been a really long time when there is actually a survival game which feels as though you ARE indeed struggling to survive.

Games like Dead Rising only means "struggling to complete your missions" whilst stuff like Resident Evil means "struggling to complete a stage"

But Dead Island is indeed the embodiment of "struggling to get your arse out of nasty situations."

This is an open-space game - which means you can travel wherever you want - but you have quests to complete. This makes it similar to Fallout or Oblivion.
As you run about the map , you are likely to come across zombies - and most annoyingly , some of them may ambush you in various ways.

Like popping out of the bushes , pretending that their dead , hiding behind doors and... well , yes , acting like normal civilians.

Well , what I meant by "acting like normal civilians" simply means that their sitting in a corner with their hands wrapped around their knees. By the time you get close , these -BEEP- will start clinging onto you.
So the idea is - kill anything that gives you the bad vibes.

The weapon structure is similar to that of Dead Rising. Your weapons would wear off over time and you may want to keep the better ones for emergencies. You can go to a workbench and upgrade your weapons - or create new ones from recipes you've attained.

Not to mention , you can throw your weapons.... and funnily enough , how many zombie games does have this feature?
Essentially , you can deal damange from a safe distance with a melee weapon - though the thing is - you will lose the weapon , until you pick it up anyway.

The difference between a blunt and a sharp weapon is... well , it's common sense really.
Blunt weapon can break bones whilst sharp ones just... well . y'know , cause a bloody mess.
Though if you want to throw your weapon , a blunt weapon may be a better idea since a sharp one would just stick right into the enemy's flesh. Which means procuring it is impossible until it's dead.

The combat system of this game is also... fascinating.
As the player is controlling a human whom loses their health VERY EASILY - you need to be flexible and alert when dealing with multiple zombies.
Not to mention you'd need to agile when dealing with larger foes. Breaking a limb or two seems like a good idea , no?

Speaking of the breaking of limbs , yes , this game allows you to break your foe's limbs.
With a blunt weapon , you can break the limbs of your foes and render their arms useless. However , with a sharp object , you can... well , slice off their arms.

Thus , this game does offer some tactical advantage to the player as well - as there are also oil barrels and crates which can be tossed into the enemy to offer advantage in the battlefield. Did I mention there are explosives in the game as well?

However , the thing is , guns are pretty rare in this game. I'm only in chapter 2 so I don't think finding a gun is actually realistic as where I am now - but so far I've only found rusty knives and choppers , as well as pipes , broomsticks , hammers , paddles and a weird assortment of weapons.

Either way , 'nuff talking , I'm going back to the resort to kick some decaying arse!

God Eater - Bullets Sharing

Well , I wonder if anyone is keen on sharing their creations.

Personally , I've created some plain bullets - but I think their useful enough... maybe.

1. ( High Crush Factor ) ( I named it "Dendrobium" as the Orchis MA of Gundam inspired me to make this )

XS - Long Range Bullet
- ( When 1 Hits Enemy ) XS- Deco Shot : Rotate Right - Tight
- ( 0.2 Secs after two ) M - Bomb
- ( 0.5 Secs after two ) M- Bomb
- ( 1 Secs after two ) M- Bomb
- ( When 2 dis ) L- Bomb or M- Bomb

OP Needed : 53 - 48

Note : I haven't field tested this combination yet actually - though in theory , it should cause great damage to a stationary target without using as much OP like those godly creations you see shared on the boards.

Note II : Don't mind the range - the Long Range Bullet is the catalyst for the explosions. Fire away!

2. ( High Crush + Element Factor ) ( I named it "Bombardment" for the simplicity :P )

S - Shot : shoots diagonally upward ( Ver : Down 45 )
- ( When 1 disappears ) L - Shot : Affected by Gravity
- ( On Impact of 2 ) XS - Deco Laser : Rotate left / right tight
- ( 0.2 Secs after 3 ) M - Bomb
- ( 1 Secs after 3 ) M - Bomb
- ( 2 Secs after 3 ) M- Bomb
- ( When 3 Disappears ) L / M - Bomb

OP Needed : 59+

Note : As you can see , the the shots go upwards before landing to make the actual impact. Again , use this when the enemy is stationary.

3. ( Balanced Stats + All Elements ) ( I named it... Well , I don't know what to call it actually )

XS - Deco Shot : Rotate Right - Tight
- ( 0.2 Secs after 1 ) XS Shot : Delayed Fire Burst ( 120 HRD < ) ( Freeze )
- ( When 1 Disappears ) XS Shot : Delayed Fire Burst ( Blaze )
S Shot : Shoots diagonally upwards ( Ver 30 Down )
- ( When 4 disappears ) XS - Shot : Short Range Bullet ( Ver 90 Down )
- ( When 5 Lands ) L - Radial ( HDR 30 < ) ( Ver 120 Down ) ( Spark )
- ( When 5 Hits Enemy ) L - Radial ( HDR 30 > ) ( Ver 120 Up ) ( Divine )

OP Needed : 50

Notes : This is only effective when used close range and if your diagonal shot hits the enemy , the Divine Damage will be dealt. If it hits the ground , a Spark Radial will appear.
The damage dealt is generally balanced and is useful if your lazy to change your ammunition - or something along those lines. Still , it's not effective and I don't suggest using it often.

4. ( Triple Element + High Crush ) ( I name it... "Tri Burst"! )

S Shot : Diagonally upwards ( Ver 45 Down )
- ( When 1 Disappears ) S Shot - Long Range Bullet ( Ver 15 Down )
- ( On Impact of Two ) XS Deco Laser : Rotate Right / Left Tight
- ( When 3 Disappears ) L Bomb
- ( On Impact of Two ) XS Deco Laser : Rotate Tight ( Ver 120 Down )
- ( When 5 Disappears ) L Bomb
- ( On Impact of Two ) XS Deco Laser : Rotate Tight ( Ver 120 Up )
- ( When 7 Disappears ) L Bomb

OP Needed : 61

Notes : It is useful for hitting higher places + there is a bonus of triple elements per burst.
Naturally , you can make the L Bombs all of the same element.
Though the Bombs DO clash with each other , the damage dealt is significant.
However , to yield maximum damage , you can set the first bomb to explode after 0.2 Secs
Though the main purpose of it is to... well , look flashy.

If you would excuse me , I have inventing to do. I'm desperate to make my own overpowered bullets. I've noticed that most of the existing overpowered bullets are pierce related so I'm devicing a way to make a powerful Crush Bullet.

Snake..? Snake..! Snake!!!

Right , this is a condensed summary of the features of Metal Gear Solid : Rising.... Come'on Kojima , we need MOAR SNAKE!
MTGS isn't right without Snake! How can Metal Gear Solid be SOLID without SOLID Snake!?

.... Then again , MTGS 3 was about the Big Boss and the PSP games are about him as well... *cough*


Essentially , I'm sure you all know by now , MTGS : Rising features a "cut and take" system. You slice the enemies up and they drop goodies for you to collect.
To put it bluntly , it's a bit like DMC or Dynasty Warriors. You bash the enemies up , they drop stuff for you to collect.
Such items can range from health to... well , information and parts.

As the trailers had shown , the player can enter a "slow motion" mode to slice the enemies into... well , bits , but it can also be used for strategical and tactical purposes - ranging from figuring out where to cut your enemies ( If their heavily armored ) or better still - deflecting bullets. ( Pew! Pew! Pew! )

Unlike most MTGS games , Rising does not feature the same sort of "stealth" which it have to offer. Unlike the previous installments of which Snake was essentially the mouse and the guards are the cats - the role is reversed.
It's a bit like those ninja games. Y'know , like Tenchu? You'd have to sneak up to your enemies and well , choose what you want to do with them.

There is another important factor of which is that killing humans does not offer any benefits to the player. Killing robots , yes , but not humans.
It is noted that there are rewards given to players whom had played through the game without killing any HUMAN BEINGS. Other than slicing people up , you can always knock them out.

So it's pretty obvious what the enemies in this game are - robots , humans and humanoids.

Oh , as a side-note , it is to be noted that Raiden may use weapons other than his katana. Though it isn't quite clear how many weapons is exactly usable in this game.

It is also to be noted that Rising would be less plot heavy as compared to the other MTGS series and it would have a heavier empahsis on the gameplay value.
But one way or the other - would you choose to butcher humans or spare them?

( I wonder if this is the end of MTGS? :X )

Gundam Assault Survive Hyper Boss Guide

Right - this is a one shot guide on dealing with Hyper Bosses.

Hyper Bosses are essentially... well , plotline characters using suits which is 3x stronger than usual.
One full blast from these fellas can send a chunk of your HP into the... well... oblivion.

Here are some tips before attempting some of these ridiculous missions

Unlock the "No Limits to Upgrade of MS"

Well - you'd pretty much unlock this the moment you've finished all the main story missions.
Essentially , you can upgrade a MS BEYOND their normal limits - so you can even upgrade a ZAKU II to ridiculous power levels. ( Funniy enough , my friend started panicking when he noticed my ZAKU II S Char Custom is 3 x faster than usual... )
However , upgrading requires A LOT of money and you'd need to use a MS 10 times in order to unlock this feat for that suit.
You may think that this is "cheating" but once you get exposed to teamups like the Celestial Being - you'd know this isn't cheating.

Rafflesia Mobile Armor

Rafflesia is the flower-shaped Mobile Armor from F91 and it's easily the strongest Mobile Armor in the game.
If you apply the above point to this Mobile Armor , most Hyper Boss fights should be a drift in the park.
But if you desire a challenge , I advice using the 00 Gundam for your battles.

Train your pilots

Make sure all three pilots are FULLY TRAINED with the "No Limits to Pilot" feat activated.
Also , equip Passive Skills which would hasten the process of SP regeneration and skills which would save your arse - like HP regeneration.


Right , now for the actual guide in question.

Zeta / ZZ Teamups

The Zeta and Double Zeta enemies are actually pretty easy to handle. If you don't get careless and get yourself caught in an undesirable situation anyway.
Little info is needed for this one , just go an kick some arse.
However , take note that one of the missions would have a pilot handling the Mega Rider. Take out that unit first because the Mega Rider can deal some SERIOUS damage to your Depot.
Better still , take that Mega Rider and send back the beams to your foe.

Freedom x Justice

I seriously hate fighting against Seed pilots.
Note that Freedom and Justice would spend most of the time wisping about the air so it's best if you use a Mobile Suit which can bring them down in a matter of seconds for a healthy melee combo.
Melee-wise , Freedom and Justice shouldn't pose a threat unless your a really horrible melee fighter.
Since their defence is pretty low , use an SPA the moment you get the chance - it ought to either finish them off or send 1/2 of their HP into the oblivion.

Victory / V2 Assault Buster

Victory Gundam's battle is pretty straightforward - the main issue is V2 Assault Buster.
Uso is a pretty powerful pilot. He have ridiculous stats and his equipped skills allow him to regenerate 80%-90% of his HP if you don't finish him off with a powerful attack when his HP is low enough.
V2 Assault Buster is as annoying as Freedom and Justice , since he have the tendency to fly around like a bee - a really powerful bee which sends beams from the skies.
Remember that beam weapons are not effective against the V2 owing to it's shield so use Mobile Suits which is either powerful at melee or have a Bazooka in hand.
Note that the V2 Assault Buster does enjoy spamming his SPA skills once every few minutes so watch it when he glows red.

Hi-Nu Gundam

Right - the Hi-Nu , one of the battles , other than Uso's , which I find incredibly annoying.
Amuro doesn't have any annoying skills like Uso but the damage dished out by the Hi-Nu can be really ever so annoying.
A full array of attacks can take out a chunk so avoid those funnels and beams at all costs.
I recommend using Throne Zwei ( A Rank Gundam with a sword in 00 ) and spam your melee attacks on him until he... well , wither and dies.

Providence Gundam

Providence was surprisingly tough considering that he wasn't a "unique suit" and that he is alone.
The main issue at hand is his beam MG and his funnels ( Or rather , Dragoons )
Essentially , dodging is the key to this mission , since a Dragoon can easily loop to your back and send a beam when your guarding the front , though you DO have to block ( From a distance ) when Crusade decides to use an SPA attack.
It's recommended that you use a Mobile Suit with strong ranged capabilities since it isn't really that nice to come up close and personal with Crusade.

Mobile Armor Guide

I'll lump all the MA into a single guide since their all essentially big , nasty and yes , ridiculously nasty.
Essentially , fighting against an MA means you'd need A LOT of firepower so it's highly recommeded that you use units like Kyrios ( Gundam with bombs of 00 ) and have Virtue as your teammate.
Remember that it's best to keep your distance from these fellas since a clean swoop from them means your demise.
Oh yes , some MA like the METEOR , Orchis attachment and the GN-Armor features a little more speed than usual - so seriously , use Kyrios for these missions.
As a side-note , most U.C Mobile Armor have beam resistance - though if Virtue manages to blast away the shields , things would become easier.

Famitsu Fortress
This mission can be unlocked by LOSING in every single FIRST mission of every faction of every single Faction of every single timeline.
Essentially , this fortress features a Boss Rush - of which you must face every single Gundam in the 00 series in seperate chambers , as well as some minor goons here and there.
Don't worry too much about it , this mission is pretty easy if you can take down the V2 AB or the Hi-Nu.

Celestial Being

The mission which has brought much tears and pain into the players of this game.
In this mission , you fight against FOUR Gundam. Exia , Dynames , Kyrios and Virtue.
This mission isn't exactly pretty. Virtue would send a colossus killer beam in your direction ( Or your base's ) , Dynames would snipe you from a distance , Kyrios would... well , send missles in your face and Exia would fire beams at you and throw his Daggers.
Essentially , the first few targets to take out would be Virtue and Dynames, Then Kyrios and finally Exia.
Try not to get hitted ( Which is impossible ) and try to have your battles centered around your mothership.
Spam your SPA attacks on every given opportunity and you would NOT like it if this battle drags out for too long.
Also , most importantly , focus on a target at a time.


The Trinity Gundam is more annoying than challenging. It is advisable that you finish of Nena Trinity first since her SPA involves the disabling of your radar - and that isn't going to be pretty since you can't hit your enemies and the jammer can drain your HP as well.
The key point here is - finish off Nena when her HP drops to a certain level ( When it's a bit orange and all ) with a powerful SPA attack. Make sure you DO finish her off - otherwise , be prepared to suffer minutes worth of hiding , dodging and yes , praying.

Penelope and Xi Gundam

....... One of the most disappointing battles EVER.
Seriously , the Penelope and Xi Gundam are like the walk in the park.
Their weak thrusters and bulky nature makes them easy to hit and easy to topple with strong attacks.
My battles with them always lasts a couple of minutes.
However , remember that they have some pretty serious firepower so stay back and dodge.