I wouldn't put it past that the story was indeed lackluster (probably not abysmal like 3/4 of the JRPGs these days but still...) but I guess the gameplay should more than make up for it. (It's Monolith Soft after all)
Don't have a WiiU so I guess I can't say much about the game but I'm definitely looking forward to Monolith's collaboration with Cavia to deliver Nier 2 - that would definitely be something out of proportions.
Edit : Yup, I'm an idiot - I got game companies mixed up again.
... and fans of Awakening would, of course, defend this practise to the death by saying that "IT'S THREE DIFFERENT GAMES!11!1!" Meanwhile in a parallel universe, there used to be RPGs that features branching story paths without being sold in different packages as money bait. Oh wait, it was this universe nearly two decades ago.
@Supremesquirtle It's not exactly the Anime appearance which turns people off - plenty of earlier JRPG releases uses Anime portraits and Anime-ish sprites for their characters.
The thing about the graphics in question is that the 2D character models comes in with too deep of a contrast with the background and the camera angles are really awkward at times.
Furthermore , Valkyria Chronicle's and Dragon Quest's characters actually mix in well with the background.
Anyways , I'd probably get it if it ever does get localized - if the gameplay's decent and the story was good , who cares? JRPGs were and should be about gameplay and their storyline as they had always been.
It depends heavily on the Genre or plot for the matter.Overpowering a character would make the plot look crappy and cheesy whilst having a too average of a character would be severely limiting the possibilities of a fantasy plot.Better still - have a combination of both.A character whom still feels fear , have his / her own form physical and psychological limitations but have a unique ability of his own which allows him to overcome various trials and difficulties.Like...say... Abe Oddworld - your not exactly human but your extremely vulnerable and have a single ability - possessing others.Or Solid / Naked Snake from the MTGS series - they don't have any special ESP abilities but managed to overcome a variety of bosses through willpower , intellect and raw combat experience.Average Joes are really useful for certain genre of games - particularly survival-based games or casual games.All in all , it depends heavily on the genre and storyline - you can't really expect to be an Average Joe if your going to be surrounded by wizards and magic - but having the "Chosen One" sort of theme does get on one's nerves.
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