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This is what happens when I'm bored...

I draw... and I'm not good at drawing...

I made this when I was finished with my Pre-Calculus final... I got a B in the cIass for this semester

And I made this a few weeks before finals in my Physics cIass... I got a B in this cIass too...

And for those who can't see, the words say: "Call of Drake's Assassin's Uncharted Effect 4: Mass Creed of Modern Fortune of Duty:Warfare" The first to name all of the games parodied in this title gets a cookie =) (They're all recent games)

And this is how I apply myself... and strangely enough, I get B's in cIasses where I draw :?

Suspensions, Birthdays, 360's, Simpsons... circle of life?

So I just came back from suspension (sure it was only one day, but some stuff happened in the middle), and I decided not to spam OT with "I hate mod" threads O_o

(jk :P)

So yeah.... today's mah birthday (17) so yeah.... you should bow down to me and uh... give me all your women >____>

(not that it should be different than any other day)

and the day before my b-day (but it still counted as my birthday for some reason....) I got a 360... so um I'll post my gamertag when I sign up for XBL :x

I also saw The Simpsons Movie... a little dissapointing, but it was still pretty fun ^____^

About Sony's bait and switch

Just food for thought, but I have some points to make >_>

1. 60 gigs are still available in the US, they didn't disappear in one day

2. If I recall, the PS3 didn't sell too well for the first 5-6 months

From mindworm22:

"As soon as the 60 gig is out, the 80 gig will drop to $499. It's simple business. They can't say that they're going to do it becuase people won't buy the 60 gig one, so they play dumb until it runs out. If it goes too quickly, there may be a short period before the announcement. BUT, in the end, and definitely by the holiday -- there will be a $499 or $479 PS3."

3. From the quote above, it isn't set in stone that Sony will do this, but it could happen.

4. Thanks for reading, and don't flame me too badly >_>

Also, what needs to be taken into account for number 3 is:

1. How many 60 gig models there are in the US

2. If they can be sold in a time period of apx 4 and 1/2 months (until December)

Again, it isn't set in stone, but then again, mindworm22 did say " they play dumb until it runs out." It would make more sense than "Oh, lets just stop it all together." No one is that stupid... >_> (maybe)

This movie... will rock

What do you get when you put

Russel Crowe and Denzel Washington as the main characters,

Ridley Scott as the producer,

The guy who wrote the screenplay for Schindler's List

and a setting dozens of years ago in America with gangsters and stuff like that into film?

-American Gangster-

Seriously, I don't know where this movie could go wrong :? Trailer

I can't believe this one almost flew under that radar for me, I saw the poster (posters, actually) when I saw Live Free or Die Hard a couple days ago.

Heres the posters because they're really cool: Poster one Poster 2

Thoughts? :P

This is your life... in film.

I'm talking about the movie Waking Life. (2001)

Its about a man who is stuck inside his own mind.
The whole dream within a dream, but with a different premise.
Along the way to discovering the truth, he meets people (and sees people),
who have their own philosophies on life.
To some of you, you might not find it interesting
you might say "Ah that philosophy crap is pointless."
or: "I've already thought about that."

To others, it might be some-what enlightening.
The great thing about the movie,
is that - like philosophy in general-
it doesn't present questions and answers them;
it presents questions and has the viewer answer them,
while the characters answer with their own take on it.

Now rotoscoping, the technique used in the film, might turn you off.
Rotoscoping is filming in real life, and animating the film with
computers. I'll put a clip up so you can get an idea.

Enjoy the film (if you choose to watch it :P)

Self-destruction/Lack of a Voice