I don't know if I should put this on my blog but I have an idea
for an RPG i might make, the details are shady but here is what
i got:
It's in a furture with Cyborgs, floating cars, etc. and you play as a
Cyborg, outcasted by Humans with the exception of one (maybe
two who have no Human friends as their own.) In fact all Cyborgs
are outcasted because of a bloody massacre that happened years
before after malfunctioning cyborgs took over a, what is now
abandoned, space station. The time is probably 3564 or something
and is really a made up world (sorry no 'futuristic New York.')
Anyways the Cyborg, which you the player will name since I'm lazy,
has an idea to probably find a way to become more Human than
Cyborg. It sounds crazy, to his only friends at least, but he gets the
motivation he needs after his friend is killed for befriending a "deadly
Cyborg" and sets off on a journey to become 'Human'. His, or your,
journey will take him to vast futuristic cities, distraut swamps, and the
'Forbbiden Space Station' where the massacre took place. How will
he possibly become Human? What if there was more to the massacre
than the future government is letting out? And why are Humans the enemy?
Well I never answered them yet, myself, but I will eventually. So what do
you guys (girls) think huh? Good premise or too Hollywoodish?
Anyways I have seen many RPGs with a 'futuristic' setting but a lot of them
(Star Ocean) really don't captivate me as other RPGs do. I was thinking of
do a Blade Runner like RPG but instead decided to go the other direction.
I'll post this on my blog as well. EDIT: Well it does sound like that movie
Williams was in but I want to put more depth into it, like a lot of RPGs are
now. The main character has to have a 'human' side which for a cyborg is
more like personification. I thought of clones, but no clones are just the same
molecular shape of humans so that would be too easy. A cyborg, on the other
hand, isn't devoid of emotions, but it is still a machine. A machine, of course, is
a tool used to lower the force needed to do work on an object, but in the
Sci Fi world, Cyborgs are human-machine type characters. It's hard to give
a machine the intracate thoughts and feelings that make us humans. In fact, I think
cyborgs are mostly machines with the capability to feel as a child would. They
can't develop the feelings and thoughts like Humans can, they merely think and
feel by using rational thought. Thats why I want to do this, because the premise
is human, instead of personification. The whole thing behind it is the Cyborg
you play as, thinks it wants to be human when really it wants to be accepted
for what it is. It can't shape these thoughts irrationally like a human would
but thinks that being human is the rational reason behind it's thoughts, and "he"
must figure that out.
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