Sorry Mark but that first paragraph, was a load of waffle. When the PS2 was released PC was still far beyond it in 3D graphics, not to mention that the PC has been running close to HD resolutions since the mid 90's. Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament both came out a year before the PS2's release and would see striped down ports over to the console. Games like Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, couldn't be ported, so consoles got the toned down Medal of Honor: Frontline. We'd then see PC's jump to this generation of games years before the consoles would catch up, with games like Homeword 2 and Far Cry, arguably years ahead of their time on PC.
@Crowgasm888 @zanelli yeah 500 easy... but 500 a side, and I didn't even say how many sides haha :P It doesn't matter what hardware you've got... we have ways of making it cry :D
I play a lot of F2P titles and I've never spent a penny on any of them, but if I was to spend real money on a F2P game, it would be to support the developers, not to get around the grind or other annoyances. If a game is too forward with it's business model, it really turns me off the game and I stop playing and move onto something else.
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