Please post threads with more content than just a link. There is a pinned thread for posting music.
zanelli's forum posts
@politishin: Hi there, looks like your account was triggering the spam filter. This is an automated system, which you often removes links posted by new users.
You could try posting it as a blog on your profile.
@uninspiredcup: That one was mainly done in GIMP, with some bits in Krita and Paint Tool Sai.
I actually picked up the Humble Bundle with Painter 2019 and PSP in it last week. I also picked up Clip Studio a few weeks ago, while that had a really good discount. So I am gonna give those a go.
@orangetack: Please note that deactivating your account will not remove any content on your account. You will have to manually delete any content you want removed before deactivating.
Lindsey Stirling is amazing :D
@RSM-HQ: Hi there, I had a look over your account and found the post in question. It looks like you got sent out a automated moderation response. We normally don't send additional messages to a user for minor comments moderation.
The post appears to be a Fist of The North Star quote, so I am guessing it was removed for not being in English.
Edit: After a follow up with the moderator who removed the content, I can confirm this was the case.
@account_locked: This is an issue we're looking into and hopefully will be resolved within the next few days. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
If you use either a VPN or a proxy, disabling those can fix this.
@Madgnad: This is an issue we're looking into and hopefully will be resolved within the next few days. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
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