What they don't point out, is that in most cases it is 'outselling' ps4 by only like 1000-3000units out of around the 40,000ish units sold by each console each week in the U.S.. Also, it is ONLY in the U.S.. I guess there is nothing wrong with 'doing what you gotta do' to keep your brand floating, but that is one patched up, and leaky ass hull. But, advertising the fact that xb1 outsold PS4 by 1,500 units out of 40,000 is pretty dumb. In Japan, Xb1 sold 47 units the week of august 20th, I mean??? 47? ha
I am pointing out more the 'overcooked' feeling the game seems to have. It is like they spent years on each part of the game individually(or something like that). And then sorta just jammed it altogether. It is just a guess, but the game seems VERY overthought-out. Like a development hell side-effect kinda thing.
@phoenix1289: It doesn't seem like a quick cash grab to me. I mean sure, you gotta make money in this world, but his work was EXTREMELY important to Tolkien, and his son just seems to be trying to put as much of it all 'together' as he can, without actually adding to it, or writing new material. Sure any serious Tolkien fan would be familiar with it all, but it should be quite a bit more cohesive in this final form, than it was before.
Kind of weird how modern science has found giants, hobbits, and different races of people that all lived on earth at the same time. I know it is just fiction, but whenever I used to read Tolkien, I always had this strange feeling that something like what he was writing about had actually happened way in the past.
@7tizz: It is also ok to have no friends , and act like a psychotic lunatic that uses the internet from an insane asylum. No, wait, I wouldn't recommend that approach. Maybe, no one has ever been nice to you ever before in your life? It is ok, I understand, and I will try and 'deal with you', but you gotta throw a little love back bro.
zeeroah's comments