Well I have finally decided to start listing all of my Commodore 64 games, after deciding to get it out of storage, and realizing it was filthy as anything, it is my third C64 and it was in poor condition when I got it years back, one thing I hate is really filthy and grubby things though. So I have proceeded to clean it by removing each key, and I will tell you they was a sheet of dust on it under the keys, not to mention the amount of crap on the keys themselves. Cleaning the whole thing took me hours and there was some heavy scrubbing involved, I seriously don’t know how people can let things get that dirty, I would go on to assume they washed there hands at some point but judging on the dirt on the keys it wasn’t often, also there is heavy smoke damage to the keys which is beyond cleaning, so they all have yellowish tops at least it’s a huge improvement over how it looked when I got it. I am having trouble removing a lump of white correction fluid from it though, some genius removed the Commodore 64 silver sticker from the bottom right hand corner and decided to white over where it was and write commodore in black marker pen, that’s still a pain to get off, but I want to restore it as much as I can so I will keep trying to get it off.
Anyway onto the games, so far I have actually managed to list all the games I was bought as a child, and that work, I’m not listing ones that never worked since I don’t really have them do I? All these games are still in great condition, all in cases and everything, which I am very happy about since they have been stored up in my loft for about 3 years. On top of the games that I had when I was younger I also have a box of loose tapes that I got with this C64, what happened to all the cases and inserts I don’t know, but I never got around to testing all of these games, of any of them if I can remember, so once I have checked they are working, which I am sure will take a while because there has to be about 60+ games in there, I will begin listing them.
In all honesty I fell quite good about managing to clean it all up and make sure it is all working, it’s actually quite a rewarding feeling, painful too as my shoulders are hurting from all the cleaning, and I don’t plan on putting it back up in my loft either chances are something is bound to happen to it.
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