So, you don't know this, but I love Star Ocean as a franchise! I have the original famicom catridge for the first game in the series and, before you ask, no I can not read japanese. I beat it anyway using a fan guide posted on the internet. I also have the gameboy version of Star Ocean Blue Sphere. I actually didn't beat that one, but I got pretty far with a different guide. I've also played and beat Star Ocean 2 probably about 7 times. I beat it on the hardest difficulty and I just love it. We, my family and I, loved Star Ocean 2 so much that we literally played it until it wore out, then we bought a 2nd copy and played it until it wore out, then we still played it more and just saved a whole lot. Seriously we loved that game long and hard.
It seems history was bound to repeat itself, in both good and bad ways. I've already purchased Star Ocean 4 and been playing it constantly. Normally I take the game out of the system before I quit so that my son doesn't take the disc out and break it. Well because I've been playing it until I'm exhausted, I forgot and of course it is worse case senario, my game disc is broken. After finding it on the floor scratched I took and had it profesionally resurfaced but it didn't fix it because the scratches were too deep. Since it is just the 1st disc, I'm thinking I may just rent it and copy it to the hard drive. Since the system can tell what game it is I think that might work, but I'll probably never be able to free up that hard drive space. I've had other ideas, but those all are along the more morally shady route and I don't want to go there. On the upside Star Ocean 4 is every bit as good of a game as I hoped it would be and should I have to buy it twice the game is still totally worth it.
On a third note... Star Ocean 3 sucks. I've beat it too and its easy and doesn't do well at developing characters, but thats fine with me because they're mostly not likeable anyway. The story also is completely horrible. 4 is the long awaited sequel to 2. GO BUY IT... then let me borrow your first disc when you're done.
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