and American COnquest, u'll love it!!
zhangweizheng3's forum posts
Bohemia, u guys have always done a sh1t job on optimization,
no one is gonna buy ur game on release only to realise that u
need a rig three years in the future to run it smoothly.
Please focus more on optimizing the game so its available to
the genreal public instead of being a luxury.
Also please iron out the bugs BEFORE release, ARMA 2 was
at an unacceptable state at launch, almost unplayable.
What's the point of buying it on release knowing u can get
a much polished version and also running at a smoother
performance later on? Also with a much reduced price.
This is coming from someone who had purchased every
BIS title since Operation Flashpoint, please focus on making
the game playable for the general public, not everyone have
the cash to buy a new rig every 3 years only to have it sh@t
upon by a new ARMA
I got a CS Source Gift and also a 25% Off Valve games coupon
wanna trade for Left 4 Dead 2 or Men of War Assault Squad
hey try out the Large Address Aware patch
it should help with performance by allowing more RAMs for the game
of course no-drm,don't even like that pile of crap steam,
why would anyone vote for any form of drm??? its just crazy
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