hell yeah!! 40k will be an excellent scenario for a total war game!!
zhangweizheng3's forum posts
hope its Rome 2+Han China!!
since its basically the same time period, wouldn't it be better to have the map
to stretch to the far east??
and then have an epic battle between Romans and Chinese,
just what I always wanted!!!
hey guys,
I have finally decided to come back to RTW after being away for so long
I wanted to start a new campaign, probably with Barbarian Invasion since I never really
gave that a shot.
So I was wondering what mod is most popular and best that is set during the Barbarian Invasion
time period.
Also VERY IMPORTANT, what are some mods that improve the Battle AI??
I would really want a mod that have this feature for both immersion and a challenge,
so please leave suggestion about this.
and also I really DON'T care about graphics, I would choose larger battles with vanilla
graphics over smaller battles with better graphics any day, so please don't take this
into account.
please leave ur suggestions, I have been wanting to come back to RTW for some time
now, thx!!
actually its terrain detail, set it to high instead of very high
also i recommend using ecp-redux mod, make the game looks so much better
geez no mod? how is it even possible for games like oblivion, u don't know what ur missing out on
basically follow this flowchart and ur set
yeah, mods will be the best bet for u for a good LOTR experience
along with the MERP and Third Age mod mentioned,
there are also others, the ones I'm most looking forward to are
The Last Days for Mount & Blade
The Lord of the Rings - Total War for Rome: Total War
LOTR: Blood in the West for Mount & Blade Warband
they might not be ur cup of tea though cos they all got some RTS elements,
but its pretty hard to find any good LOTR games/mods without it
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