zidura's forum posts
If you let them completely dry there's no reason why they shouldn't still work.
The depth of the game is immediately apparent -- once you turn the difficulty up. Even on Experienced difficulty (only one up from beginner) you can get a good fun fight going. I'm personally losing most fights on advanced but they are even more realistic. The balance of moves and their counter-moves along with the huge range of various strategies you can use is quite amazing, really. I find it interesting how differently you have to fight using Liddell or Rua -- something that I didn't think would translate so well into a game. Imagine how much more varied the strategies will be with 80 different fighters, plus the ability to create your own fighter!
Sure, you could stand there swinging the same punch on beginner difficulty and complain that the game has no depth but you're missing out. Go through the tutorial and I guarantee you'll be blown away by all the possible strategies.
I bought it used for about $20. Worth it for that. It's a good story, excellent production values. On the other hand, it has no replay value so it's only good once-through. I'm more of a multiplayer type person so I would never pay full price for a game like this, even though it is a great single-player game - if that's your thing.
Really. Wow. That's hard to believe. Anyways, are there any future plans for demos that you've heard about?
So I recently got my Wii going online. I assumed there would be demos available, either Wii titles or VC titles. I can not find demos anywhere in any channels except DS demos. Are there any demos? My kids love playing demos (on my 360) just for fun. Am I missing something?
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