[QUOTE="zidura"][QUOTE="TheCrazed420"][QUOTE="SoFreeSoNew12"][QUOTE="dracolich666"] Gears doesnt need a HDD cept for online. TCHBO. 2048x2048 normal maps are low res? :lol:
O yeah bioshock looks the best out of any game and it can be played on the core. TCHBO x2
It's sad that you own a PC yet you support the 360, when they both have basically the same game, and the PC version being superior all the time. That's close minded fanboys for you.
Smart hermits know better than to support the stripped down PC known as the 360.
Wow. Im a closeminded fanboy because I own a 360 and a PC now?
Sorry if I want to play Chromehounds, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey, Too Human, Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata. Jeez, what was I thinking???
I have both a PC and a 360 and I play my 360 far more often for the simple reason that there are way more games in a much wider variety available. How many good games are released for the PC on a yearly basis? Maybe 10 or so, and at least 5 of them are RTS, which just isn't my favorite type of game. Plus, I never have to upgrade my 360 in order to get games to run well on it. I love sports, action, shooter, and other kinds of games that come to consoles first and often never come to the PC at all.
I suppose if you love RTS and FPS games and that's it, then the PC might be the way to go, and that's if you want to spend as much on your video card as I did on my 360. Otherwise, the 360 is the perfect (and much cheaper) solution.
Hmm, I disagree with you too. The PC has the most games I want on a consistent basis every year.
Good for you -- but you're missing the point. For the types of games I like, the 360 has more and a greater variety. If you like RTS games and other PC-centric games, then you're right, PC is a better choice. So there's nothing to disagree with here. You like PC games, I prefer 360 games. Of course you should get a PC and I should get a 360 then (although I have both, I just use my PC for web stuff now basically).
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