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What they (a game company called Heavy Iron Studios) said (my comments are in Red):
"If people aren't willing to pay $249 for a Nintendo 3DS why would they pay $299 for Vita? (Vita is also available for $249. Also, Nintendo realized the mistake and lowered the price. Do your research before you make crap like this.) People don't want to carry more than one thing in their pocket, that's why Android and iPhone have done so well. They are the devices of choice; they offer multiple functions outside of gaming." (Meaning they aren't gaming devices. They are meant for people who have to work and get something done, unlike you.)
"People don't want it. (Who said that?) That's Nintendo's huge challenge--how do they add value to that?" (How do mobile creators add value to that?)
"With all due respect to Sony and Vita, it's a car wreck." (So is your company. You create crappy licensed title that probably sell 10 copies at best.)
"The technology is sweet, I'm a huge fan of mobile technology, (Of course!) but I just don't know there's a market out there anymore for the hardware. I can't see why you would want to put a device out that only does games." (Gee, I wonder why also. It's not like there are millions of gamers who would buy something like this.)
Now, let's review the facts. First off, you have a couple of incorrect facts, so you either didn't do research, or you thought you would sound more correct if you were wrong. Sadly, that's not the case. Also, you are saying that devices that aren't meant for gaming will cause the handheld gaming industry to fail. There is a bit of flawed logic there.
Also, should you really be saying this? You make licensed games. You aren't a real game company in my book. You lack any right to say something like this. And by the way, who said people don't want to buy the 3DS or Vita? Look at forums, websites, everywhere you look, you notice people saying they want a 3DS or Vita. People do want them. Don't go making up your own facts.
But what really makes me think you are just some ignorant scrub is your last statement. It's self-explanatory, really. Hell, you're a "game company", you should know this ffs! Look here, son, if you want to say something, don't make it completely asinine like that statement (and every other one, for that matter). Your argument is flawed and cannot be taken seriously, and should not.
Now, the fact is that people will be buying the 3DS/PSVita. iPhones won't be changing this. Because really, think about. 99-100% of gamers would rather play something that does only games, because that's it's main focus, so therefore it does it better. iPhones and crap like that aren't meant for games, therefore their games are weak, short, and all around unexciting.
Gamers want to play games over a period of time, not for 5 minutes while on break from work. The only people who will be playing iPhone games are those who have jobs and need short things to play while on their lunch break or using the bathroom and the parents who are trying to be "hip" (believe me about this, I've seen it). The games iPhones deliver do not gain the attention of the main gaming audience, therefore will not have effect on the sales of 3DS and Vita. This goes both ways, as 3DS and Vita sales will not effect iPhones and such (although personally I wish it would, I hate them).
So basically, iPhones and other mobile devices will not affect anything about the 3DS or PSVita. They will not be anything more than simple minigames to play when using the crapper or eating your sandwich at work. It's as simple as that.
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