Zhalloween is such a boss title.
Day 1: MineCraft/Enderman/Herobrine - Song: "3AM" by Eminem
Day 2: Lavender Town (Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow) - Song: "Waking the Demon" by Bullet for my Valentine
Good day my fellow friends and lurkers! Today marks the third day of my Halloween spectacular, 15 days of Zhalloween. What do we discuss today? We discuss a fan favorite!
You knew he was coming...
(I apologize for this entire part being centered, but GameSpot's blogs have hated me recently...)
Yes, you all knew I might've talked about this son of a biscuit! Giygas of the Mother/EarthBound series! I mean, look at him... gaah! We all know he looks scary, and his boss theme(yes, I can post links into words again) is damn disturbing. But... is there more to that that makes him creepy?
Well... not really. He's sure creepy and scary-looking, but anything else isn't that scary. Let's look at his backstory.
He was an alien found by Maria and George (who have no last names), and was raised by them. In the early 1900s, he and his family got abducted by aliens with PSI powers. When he was grown up, he was tasked to not spread these PSI powers to Earth, but this didn't end well. Giygas left Maria and began an invasion on Earth. Soon, he found the Apple of Enlightenment, which foresaw his demise at the hands of Ness. He attempts to attack the Earth 20 years earlier to prevent this from happening.
But once the invasion has begun, the great-grandson of Maria and George, Ninten, takes Giygas on and attempts to stop him. Upon realizing he and his friends could not defeat Giygas, he begins singing a song that Giygas and Maria once shared, which weakens him to point of surrendering. However, he promises to return...
...and after multiple years, he does, in EarthBound (the previous events occured in Mother). Trying to stop this prophecy, he brainwashes Pokey Minch, Ness's neighbor, to help him. Due to his massive amounts of power, his being is destroyed, making him non-describable. He becomes the Embodiment of Evil. Pokey steals the Devil's Machine for Giygas so he control his power and mind. So he launches the Apocalypse, about 10 years after the beginning of EarthBound. Going back in time to warn Ness is a friendly bee-alien named Buzz Buzz.
Once Ness collects the Eight Melodies, he confronts Giygas, who is in the Devil's Machine, and Pokey. Pokey turns off the machine, unleashing Giygas's full power, surrounding the heroes in a dimension of darkness, where he has random attacks and messed up speech ("I'm... h... a... p... p... y..." and "Ness Ness Ness Ness (repeatedly saying Ness)" are well-known). Paula's prayers are able to stop him through his weakness, which is emotions, most likely caused by Maria. He disappears, and the apocalypse never happens.
What did we learn? Giygas has a damn good backstory, but other than that, appearance and his theme are the only creepy thing about him. Well, and the fun little theory that he is a fetus, which has been proven false on mutliple occassions, and a coincidence. But yea, that's it.
Song of the day:
"Nightmare" by Avenged Sevenfold
The song speaks for itself.
That is all! Tomorrow, I shall do Day 4! Excitement!
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