Eh....I'm more of a PS3+PC person. Just about every game I want from here on out is on those 2 systems. kage_53at the moment its the same for me, but it changes from time to time, though PC is almost always in the equation
zomgwtfbbqlol1's forum posts
do you think we needed a casual console like the wii this gen?
do you think nintendo did this to luar casuals into the gaming industry for next gen?
do you think it helped expand the industry in a positive way, or would mario in full 1080p have been better?
what is your take on the wii?
well ill i know is PS3 fanboys shouldnt be called cows considering they pay a one time fee and get everythign in the box, unlike wii and 360 ppl whos consoles have many extra components, some essential to purchase
ex. nunchuck, classic controller, charging stations, online fee, wireless adapter,HD-DVD player ne1 lol... etc etc...
but "cows" get a PS3 and only extra could be a $10 HDMI plug (if you have HD), or a bluetooth headset which comes with games like warhawk for $40, and soon to be Socom, and you can always purchase a cheap 3rd party headset
SO SYSTEMWARS FIX THE NAME ALREADY BCZ IT DOSNT MAKE SENSE... not sure waht to change it to though, but cows dsnt exactly work
[QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="kenshinhimura16"][QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="Dark_man123"]People who look for jaggies in a game are not true gamers, were we all like this back in olden days?kenshinhimura16
though you do make a point....... the real point is ppl want the best possible, who cares if current gen consoles top the best looking PC games of last gen, bcz PC now has games like Crysis, and WiC, and Stalker: CS...
but w/e happy gaming...
If people want the best, why is PC gaming dying (in terms of sales) and why is the Wii so popular. Kind of negates your point.
pc isnt dying, and Wii is popular to ppl who have never played video games and they needa start sumwere, heck my 1st game wasnt crysis i can tell u that much, Wii is reaching out to draw more ppl into the gaming market, trust me by next gen most of the casuals of now will be looking for something "better."and which is why the next nintendo console will be 'more hardcore' (if you know what i mean) than the wii currently is
You should check the news section a bit. 3 big companies Capcom, Ubisoft and Crytek have reported a high decrease in sales due to piracy. Even with piracy, consoles sell more, even Carmack said so. People care about having good graphics, and amazing gameplay, normal gamers, which represent the most of the gaming world, dont look for jaggies in the games, anyone knows that. Invite a non hardcore gamer and he wont be saying, "hey this jas a lot of jaggies, this has an FPS drop, etc" in fact, he wont know what that means. Why do you think consoles are beating the living crap out of PCs, gen after gen? Isnt it weird when a PC game scratches the million a month or more after release and a console reaches 3 millions in less than a month? The something better that those supposedly new gamers will look is another console. Believe it or not, for most of those gamers, the PC is to much trouble to keep up with, installations, weird slang that they dont know about, etc. You and I know what Im talking about. Installing a game is no walk in the park. You have to choose a destination folder, check that your hardware can run it, open the command board to maximize the settings, recheck definitions, AA, shaders, etc to see where can I run this game.
A normal gamer wont do that, and when he realises that he cant keep a PC for 6 years, but he can with a console, its a no brainer where he will move to. Another thing that hurts PC is the lack of used games. The last GS reports show that most of their income comes from selling used games. They buy newly released games back at 15-20 greens, but sell them at 40+, and lets not talk about other games as the ones in the SMT franchise which go over 80 dollars. There is a saying or more like a sort of equation: for every customer you keep, you are losing 10. That is why Nintendo will most likely keep its current trend when the next console is released. Its much more simple to get new customers, than to keep the old ones.
lol... i understand some ppl arnt that computer savy, but with companies like EA making affordable gaming setups and companies like Acer with there own gaming line, PC gaming is growing. and installoing a game is pretty easy...also PC games that are online and use CD keys have little piracyand hardware has become a biggy for PC now, example when i open crysis it shows "intel quad core" and "Nvidia"
neways besides that theother argument was about nintendo drawing casuals into gaming and how next gen the casuals of this gen will be looking for more than what simple games the wii offers
[QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="mistervengeance"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"][QUOTE="slystallion26"]unless like obama gets elected and he raises taxes on everybody and ruins the economy....
The economy is already in shambles and McCain has already said he would raise taxes to help certain governmental programs out. Taxes will go up regardless of who wins. Don't kid yourself.
that picture is win... though off topic... but then again its the opposite in Canada... Conservatives do good, lower taxes 2% and fix the nation, andthe Liberals cost Canada BILLIONS in scandals and redardationyeah well we dont live in canada do we?
you could also say taht conservatism lost the nazis a lot, but that wouldn't really be saying anything..
lol i live in canada... *tear*its kewl, no need for hype, though valve has been on their period lately and becomign a little conceted, ill trust in them to make a good game, ill most likely pick this bad boy up for PC when it comes out
ill hype it AA-AAA (8.5-9.0)
Noone has talked about it on here, so I thought id give it some kudos. It's an outstanding online game of which I think rivals the current console greatest online hits. It's like Battlefield 2, but more fast paced and without the proning problems. Everything you use in warhawk is eqaully balanced towards other weapons which is a hard feat to accomplish in online multiplayer games. (Coughgearsofwarshotgun,resistancesshotgun,etc)
I have never played an online game with as much statistic depth as this, I mean you can see everything from miles flown/walked/driven, to individual weapon stats, to charts that show your progression in different fields over time. Warhawk has a in-game clan system as well, with an individual message board. You can't rule out the outstanding continued support from the developers. So far there has been 2 booster packs, with one on the way. Not to mention the 2 new game mods and items released for free.
So if you don't like reading too much, this is a run down on why Warhawk is such a bad*** online game.
Fast paced Battlefield 2 type game$30!!!Well balanced out weapon systemContinued dev supportAmazingly in-depth stats pageThe "jump right in" online splitscreen capabilities. Literally its "jump right in", you just have to press the ps button on another controller and your instantly in the game with the screen split.$30!!!!! lolAn actual in-game clan systemUses a lobby system, where you select the matches you want to join. (also has a basic matchmaking system)Loads of customization options for players, and warhawksThere are still loads of people who play this, so there are plenty of 32 player battle goodness.Did I mention it is only $30?Yeah, it's just awsome. NOW APPRECIATE NUBS. lol
-dedicated servers for ranked w/o split screen
-split screen servers are sooo hard to get into (not including the near empty games)
-not as good as BF2...
but overall for the price it was pretty good, if you can get into a server with all 3 of ur buddies playing split screen
Pentium 4 3.2 GHz, Pentium D 2.66 GHz, AMD Athlon 64 3500+ or better
Video card: NVIDIA® 6800 or ATI®X1650 or better; Shader Model 3 required; 256 MiByte video memory
Memory: 1 GB
Media reader: DVD-ROM
CPU: Intel® Core 2 Duo Family, AMD®64 X2 5200+, AMD® Phenom oder besser
Video card: NVIDIA® 8600 GTS or better, ATI®X1900 or better; 512 Mb video memory
Memory: 2 GB
Sound: 5.1 sound card recommended
Media reader: DVD-ROM
That's crazy. That's why I'll be getting the XBox 360 version instead.
thats not crazy the recommended is pretty low end if you ask todays standards, last year it would have been a middle-end PC
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