[QUOTE="nVidiaGaMer"][QUOTE="bungie93"] [QUOTE="agentzero23"]Why does the 360 go slightly above 720p?mephisto_11
Because it can? It is a more powerful system (according to Tim Sweeney and John Carmack) when it comes to pushing polygons, so it is not surprising that it can run SC4 at a higher resolution. The Xenos completley destroys the RSX.
Really? I don't see anything on the 360 that comes close to Killzone 2 or even MGS 4 graphically.
Yep they're called gears of war 2 and alan wake and they look better than both those games
fanboys are really really dumb.... John Carmack SAID: "the 360 is a superior piece of hardware for developers." ITS EASIER TO DEVELOPE ON NOTHING ABOUT SPECS, proven fact PS3 is more powerful than 360, as for the next part.... ALAN WAKE DIRECT X10 demo on one of the worlds most powerful PCs WILL NOT look the ssame on a 360 PERIOD....
fanboys are seriously messed up putting a twist on words
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