lol bashful more?, but yea the controls form what i saw look okay, but the game itself seems to have some potential, also a tip for next time, dont try to flamebait, bcz no1 has been hyping this game lol
Looks weak. Bad control (aiming and jumping look impossible), the AI is dumb, and it looks like a generic third person shooter sandbox game with special powers. Hopefully the game gets better than this but I doubt it. Looks like another overhyped PS3 exclusive. A.
zomgwtfbbqlol1's forum posts
[QUOTE="dc337"][QUOTE="jaisimar_chelse"]lol wut ?
im including those games which came out after the 360 was launched
and why does it matter if a game does have high requirements. most ppl play games on thier laptops .
ive seen many ppl with a laptop as their primary system.
and i personally dont care for graphx , video carsd , AA/AF blah blah blah. I have to play most games on low including crysis
PC most AAAE & AAE
Well at least you provided a link so I know what you are talking about.
Anyways you provided me a link of high scoring pc games which includes sports managers and casual adventure games as a response to my opinion of pc gaming. Great.
So what.
Listing a bunch of pc games and their respective gamespot scores doesn't negate the fact that nothing could touch Nancy Drew in July. It also doesn't change my opinion that pc gaming is going casual and people that want games like stalker are getting ignored. It makes more financial sense for EA to fund a Sims doggie sweater expansion pack than an rpg that makes use of high-end pc hardware. That's the harsh reality that is pc gaming today.
these are flash games ???
u do know what flash games are dont you ?
which donot require any sort of high end graphx card to run
lol wow... ownage here.....btw loving that face-palm montageFirst off, I love MGS. I am playing the first again because of the enjoyment it brings me. But I loved GTA4, and think it deserves a slight edge over MGS4 simply because I get to play more of it. MGS4 was an epic achievement in interactive entertainment, but sometimes I find myself short of time and wanting to say, Mr. Kojima make a movie OR a game, bro. Your thoughts.....cainetao11yea, but its hard when both games had a diffrent goal, example say a pure racing sim got a 10, it must be doing something in its department that made it so good
[QUOTE="bungie93"]Gears of War, Mass Effect, Gears of War 2, Bioshock, RAGE, Unreal Tournament 3, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 4, Alan Wake, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, and Resident Evil 5 say HELL NO.Pariah_001
Do you honestly believe any of those games hold a candle to Killzone 2?
yes he does honestly believe all of those games hold a candle to killzone 2...if he didnt then that would of been a really lame joke...
Do any of you feel this way? I feel like i was suckered into believing the Wii was a real video gamers system. Was it the hype? Was it the rabid enthusism of of mis-guided nintendo fans. Was it the oddly persuading "Wii want to Play" commercials. I dont know. But no more for me. This fantasy has got to stop. I sold my Wii and DS today to purge myself of anything Nintendo. I just dont understand how anyone can stand behind and support this system. PS3 and 360 deserve gamers dollars, not this abomination called Wii. Videodogg
yea the wii was like a fad... came and left, i dont regret buying mine... and 4 controllers... and 4 nunchucks... and 4 classic controllers... and 2 dual controller recharging stations... and online points....dam i spent a lot of money...
[QUOTE="kaangonultas"][QUOTE="bungie93"]You fail for thinking your opinion is a fact. And all those games i think say hell yess.Gears of War, Mass Effect, Gears of War 2, Bioshock, RAGE, Unreal Tournament 3, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 4, Alan Wake, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, and Resident Evil 5 say HELL NO.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
well what u said may not be hypocrisy bcz what he said maybe fact LOL.... or not....but yea as long as this topic is in systemwars and it involves killzone 2 nothing will be accomplished nuff saidLOL I WOULD JUMP FOR JOY... this thread has some major win attachedwouldn't care got all 3 systems
yes...but taking a poke is still fungood thing u said console
hermits would have eaten u apart!
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