[QUOTE="Androvinus"]how bout a console that can give me a telekinesis; how bout that, nintendo, huh... how bout that !fluxoratorPS9 Anyone? LOL read my mind...
zomgwtfbbqlol1's forum posts
COMING 2078!
-Electronic spores tap straight into your adrenal glands!
-Improved retinal scanning!
-A mind control system!
-Holographic movie surround vision!
-Telepathic personal music!
MGS4, had a lot of fun with that
Crysis Warhead, was kewl, though a little short but it was $30 and it came with online
Im no lemmings and I hate FF but I will probably be one of those people claming ownage :P u just love to troll so yea i could see that :P, also how can u hate FF? lol Because it repetitive and linear just like most JRPG's ive played. not really that linear maybe in the older FF, but not FFXII, or FFXI (if u count that), but id assume this gen they can do a lot more, and repetative? no, also "most" JRPGs are just rip-offs of FF[QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"][QUOTE="JunkTrap"]You know if FFXIII ends up looking even slightly better on Xbox 360, lemmings are going to claim so much ownage. :roll:Gh0st_Of_0nyx
@rockguy92all seriousness, it just sounded really fanboyish"Man, GTFO!"
My paragraph about cows hit a nerve? Judging by PSN id and no gamertag.....I think I did.
Dont worry, ull be 2nd place eventually. But not in 08.
sony has money but htey spend it all on 1st party, look at MS it has like no more 1st party devs[QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="-General_Ram-"]they are last palce and MS has the money. CreepyBacon
If you ignore Fable 2 last month, Viva Pinata 2 the month before that and Banjo 3 this month, yes, Microsoft is dying for first party support. And they lost it cause they suck, made a bad console devs wont follow.
lol? thats all there 1st party...not to mention they lost bungie, and killed off that other one that made halo wars and A.G.E. RTSand compaired to sony they have like no 1st party
sony is just building more and more
lol what? PS3 looks sharper, and u can adjust brightness settingshttp://insidethedigitalfoundry.blogspot.com/2008/11/report-mirrors-edge-demo-ps3xbox-360.html
A quick analysis of the demo reveals that in common with most UE3 titles, Xbox 360 still holds the technical edge, but PS3 manages to hold its own. Both PS3 and 360 versions have their fair share of 'jaggies', but the overall experience is a little smoother on the Microsoft console, thanks to the inclusion of selective 2x multisampling anti-aliasing (MSAA).
even that the PS3 was the lead platform it still looks better in the X360
[QUOTE="siLVURcross"]And how do you feel? Sounding all knowing and mighty with your bolded font and your cocky attitude that things are going smoothly for your 360?
Okay so FF13 goes multiplat, people get upset, it's time to move on. Christ.
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