Zomg, you have no way of proving that's real time gameplay.
Neither do Digi-Guys apparently.
I'm going to quite reasonably withold judgment on this game, seeing as the screens, as impressive as they are, have NO aliasing of any kind whatsoever, are rendered in 1080p, and as digi guys claim, runs in 60 frames a second.
No game on PS3, I repeat, NO GAME ON PS3 manages even two of those attributes, and no game on PS3 manages to have no aliasing. Scratch that, I think NBA 08 has 1080p at 60 FPS, but it looks kinda junky in terms of texturing, aliasing, animation, etc. This game on the other hand, in the screens and promo videos at least, has no aliasing, perfect high resolution textures, high poly models, and incredible, flawless animations.
All I'm gonna say is don't expect all that come time for release.
If they could manage those graphics on PS3, that would make them EASILY better coders than Epic Games, Konami/Kojima productions, Capcom, Insomniac, Naughty Dog, Ninja Theory...
In short, basically it would make them the best programmers in the industry.
so ur telling me u dont believe its running realtime? and u think its CGI? and u've ignored all my links proving its realitme?... great just great...
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