Graphically it looks good but I can't see the gameplay being anything groundbreaking. It'll score a 9 at best, I'm predicting an 8.5.LightReflectiongamplay said to be better than COD4, so take it or leave it jsut putting it out there
zomgwtfbbqlol1's forum posts
[QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="MojondeVACA"][QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"]lol keep denying... just makes this better
I can really deny your opinion,and posting off-screen gifs = fail.
o noes a few of them are off screen, the world will end... neways the last 3 that are offscreen are showing the lighting, and physics, and last i checked thsoe arnt enhanced by offscreen feed
so no fail
Off-screen makes things look better than they do still a fail.
1 and 2 are not off screen, and 3, 4 and 5 are off screen BUT showing Physics and Lighting THAT is not ENHANCED by offscreen feed, do i needa repeat myself a 3rd time for u?
[QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"]lol keep denying... just makes this better
I can really deny your opinion,and posting off-screen gifs = fail.
o noes a few of them are off screen, the world will end... neways the last 3 that are offscreen are showing the lighting, and physics, and last i checked thsoe arnt enhanced by offscreen feed
so no fail
[QUOTE="-Mad_Rhetoric-"]cows hyping these graphics :| :lol: thats the most bland game I've ever seenMojondeVACA
Indeed and there are better looking games already and coming.
really? what lemme guess "gears" "alan wake"? what a jokecows hyping these graphics :| :lol: thats the most bland game I've ever seen-Mad_Rhetoric-LOL lemmings denying the better than COD4 gameplay, and KZ2 is far from bland
[QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"]why? this is better than R2, even people in the beta admit it,Competetive wise I think KZ2 has the potential to work better than Resistance 2 yea, the multiplayer is more tactical and slower paced then R2, also 32 players online[QUOTE="Lionheart08"]I personally see it getting an 8.5. I don't normally get hyped for FPS' (R2 was the rare exception :P).Couth_
I personally see it getting an 8.5. I don't normally get hyped for FPS' (R2 was the rare exception :P).Lionheart08why? this is better than R2, even people in the beta admit it,
"im in the beta and what u said is pretty much exactly right. you can do all those things in one game or just do them as seperate games. and yes this game is better than r2. trust me. gears 2 i dont know about but it certainly has the possibility to be and l4d isnt on the same level as kz2.dont get me wrong l4d looks great but i dont think it will be as good as kz2. " desyple
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