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zxv33 Blog

Reaching goals is awesome.

Hello everyone who is reading this. Well it seems that i have made my goal of getting 300 games before the end of the year. Go me. since i have reached this i'm going to start spending less money on video games and work on some other things with my money, don't get me wrong i will never stope spending money on games, just taking it a little slower that's all. Well that's all i needed to say have a great day.

A Special Tribute to my favourite union on it's Birhtday. 1 Year.

Hello everybody as you may already be able to tell it's the monthly blog unions birthday well at least it was on the second. I can remember when i fist starting seeing the monthly blogs that people were putting up and i always thought to myself i should do that to. When the next month came Jesus_Knight had already invited me in, I was so happy.

At first my blogs were sloppy and simply not up to par with the pro's. I still don't think there as good as others but there getting better. I don't know if this is the case with everyone but i spend hours on my monthly blogs trying to get it right. It is hard work to do this but oh so worth it.

I feel like the people in this union are like my extend family i really look forward to reading everyones blog each month. I can only imagme what this place has in store as we grow and expand. Thank you for letting be a part of this amazing team of people.

Some of are most active members are.

jesus_knight-a fair leader who does most of all the work for everyone in the union each month









Omgimonfire 13






That's only 16 memebers counting myself that are pretty active. Feel free to join are little family in making our union last a life time.

Thanks for your time.

October Montly Blog

Hey everyone it's that time again first i want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday. And if you didn't know it's today so there is still time, anyway onward.

Stats in the union

New Games

New Hardware

Game Progress/Achivement points

As you can probably already tell that's Fable II and GH III-on mission 3 barly toched this game.-on mission 8-beat on the PS3-beat i'm ready for the next-on mission 3


Happy Halloween!!! Don't forget to vist my friends blogs by clicking here.

A top ten list

I haven't done a top 10 in awhile so now seems like a good time

TOP 10 Games I Want/Think I want

There you go games i can't wait to play. Point's if you know all of them

Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting

I know right odd title but here let me expand by telling you a short story.

As some of you may or may not know i use to live in NY (now i live in Pittsburgh) and when i lived there i took karate classes from about 2001 to about 2005, I was a teacher there, I placed 2nd in a tournament (that's right people i'm a second place grand champion what you got to say about that.) It was when i was at my happiest. There is just something about martial arts that i just can't put into words, You just feel amazing after working so hard to final achieve what you were going for, i seriously had to hold back tears when i was saying good bye to that place. My teacher knew it too. To this day i miss it. ( i had to move away from there because of other personal problems)

I left my home town with 300 dollars in pocket and bag full of clothes nothing else not even a video game. I couldn't worry about training i had more pressing matters like were was i going to live, sleep, eat, get a job, a car, and so fort and so on.

Fast forward to 2008 I finaly got to point were i just can't take it anymore life to me has no purpose and it's just the same day in day out.....until now I took my first lesson at a Kung-fu place it's good to feel how i use to back in 2005 i hope i can rekindle more of these feelings.

That's all i got to say for now i will keep you updated on this. But hey here are some links.

My old Dojo

The new

That's all gamers keep on gaming and try new things!!!

Just a little update

Hey all sorry i haven't been around much, I got pretty sick and am now coming back to normal so i'll be on a little more.

Thought i would update you on my 360's status, well as it turns out they sent the thing to the wrong address :roll: figures but it left and came back fairly quickly, so i have returend then i got sick and wasn't really on and now i have to work and still won't be on so maybe by next week you'll see me stopping in from time to time.

That's about all have a great day!!!:D

September Monthly Blog

New games


Achivements/Game Progress

-about 5 or 6 hours in.

-almost done about 32 hours in.

Union Progress


One of my personal faves, i'm so glad to have it back in my collection.

Justin from Grandia is a hero, i didn't like him at first but as the story unfolded he began to grow up just a little.


Bluesteel13- Fanboys are boring, boasters one console loving freaks.

Not much of anything else is hotter than an asian chick in leather pants.

Don't forget to check out my friends blogs as well. Also check out our union by clicking this link.

Lame Sauce, Lame Sauce and more lame sauce

So as you may or may not know my 360 has red ringed on me, I called Microsoft and I still haven't even gotten my box for the darn thing yet. It's been 15 business days which is like almost 3 weeks without my 360. I keep calling them thinking I might be able to talk to a human being....but nooooooo. they have me going in circles. I checked the status online and that's no help either.

Anyway i don't know what to do any advise from people out there.

CCU's Biggest Bad Guy Tourney

Hey all my gamer friends, the CCU needs your help, No i'm not recruiting people and telling them to join our union. I just need you to cast your vote for the biggest bad guys. So if you have the time would you kindly go to this link and vote.

That is all have a swell day.