Well it's not really list it's just going to be some rantings that's all.
* I'm begining to find myself more drawn to action games than RPG's as of late.
* Why do games have to be so pricy?
* I heard a rumor that if gas prices keep going up they will be 7.50 by next summer
* I can't wait for E3
* Is Fable out yet.....sadly no
* I was going to get a haircut but they had no running water (figures)
* I always seem to be tired lately
* I can't stand people who litter
* I need a new cell phone
* Tekken 6 where are you?
* I need more games
* Work is dumb sometimes
* I like the AVGN and Zero Punctuation they make me giggle
* Why is it that i always seem to find rare expensive games when I'm broke
* This is not the special blog it's becoming a slow process
* Some of my fave games include but are not limited to Bioshock, Grandia, Xenogears, Streets of Rage II, and Earthworm Jim
* I don't like GTA because i think its boring and i'm not a fan of sandbox games, It's not because of hookers, drugs and killing
* I think movie games should be banned
* I wish i had a horde of minions to control
* and throw fire that would be awesome
* I can't stand people who wear PJ's in public, I got dressed today so should you.
* I can't stand fanboys of any kind, even anti fanboys (people who hate things just to hate things are dumb)
* this is the end.
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